Open m3nu opened 5 years ago
Hello, How can I create a new repo? Can you add (or is there) an option so this role will create a repo at first run?
Running borgmatic for the first time will fail with 'repo does not exist' :-1:
But Anyway, thank you for sharing this nice project! :)
This issue exists because we don't init repos for now. There are some chicken-egg issues going on, if you think it through.
Ok, thanks for your reply! :)
So as workaround: Do you recommend to run the init repo thing manually after the role?
- shell: /usr/local/bin/borgmatic init --encryption repokey
This role will also create a SSH key to use for BorgBase or your own server. Before you run the init command, you will want to authorize the repo with this key. Just something to keep in mind.
Alternatively, you can use the BorgBase API to set up the repo and add the key. In that case, you can do it all at the same time automatically. The module for this is already part of this repo. It just misses some docs and I didn't personally test it for this case.
It could be great at least to give instructions in the readme of what needs to be done before executing this role :)
Agree that this should be mentioned. You can also do this within Ansible, using this module:
- name: Create new repository for server in EU with new SSH_key and quota
repository_name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
token: "Your Borgbase API Token"
new_ssh_key: True
ssh_key: "{{ some_variable }}"
append_only: True
quota_enable: True
quota: 1000 #in GB
region: eu
alertdays: 2
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Create new repository without new key and no quota/alerting in US region
repository_name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
token: "Your Borgbase API Token"
new_ssh_key: False
ssh_key: "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3Nz......aLqRJw+dl/E+2BJ xxx@yyy"
region: us
delegate_to: localhost
I have this automated on my end. But before I create PR for this Id want to smooth out the edges for any kind of issues you saw earlier.
You (@m3nu ) said that you see chicken and egg issues with this.
What I do in my automation is I add the root public key we created to the remote server in the first step (after the borgbackup role has run). Afterwards I update the known_hosts file for all repositories that are configured (support for PR #41 is done already) and then run borgmatic init --encryption repokey-blake2
as a shell command.
Do you see issues with that?
Hi, is there any update on this?
Should there be an option to also init the repo?