borgbase / vorta

Desktop Backup Client for Borg Backup
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Don't override FUSE mount permissions #436

Closed smartm0use closed 3 years ago

smartm0use commented 4 years ago

Hello, I'm using Vorta (and borg) for the first time. I have installed the latest version (0.6.24) and I have made a couple of backups. Now I have two rows in the Archive section and I'm trying to mount any of them, but it seems not to work.

I click on "mount" and I select the folder, then nothing happens, I get this text:

fuse: unknown option `umask=0277'

After I have selected the folder if I double click on the archive it opens the folder but it is empty.

I'm on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS.

m3nu commented 4 years ago

Is your FUSE too old or too new to have this option?

This option makes sure that you can read the files, even though the backup was previously done by another user with restricted perms.

smartm0use commented 4 years ago

Do you know how to remove that option? I do not need it...

smartm0use commented 4 years ago

I have removed the version I installed with pip and I have installed Vorta again with flatpack. Now I do not have that error, it now says "Mounted successfully" but when I double-click on the folder I get this error message:


What does it mean? What's wrong now?

If I try to mount using borg mount command in the terminal it works with no issues.

ThomasWaldmann commented 4 years ago maybe?

Hofer-Julian commented 4 years ago

The flatpak uses llfuse-1.3.6. @ThomasWaldmann could it still be related?

Hofer-Julian commented 4 years ago

The flatpak uses llfuse-1.3.6. @ThomasWaldmann could it still be related?

smartm0use commented 4 years ago

Running pip3 search llfuse on my system I get this:

llfuse (1.3.6)            - Python bindings for the low-level FUSE API
  INSTALLED: 1.3.3
  LATEST:    1.3.6
gridfs-fuse (0.1.2.dev1)  - A FUSE wrapper around MongoDB gridfs using python
                            and llfuse.

I can mount successfully if I use borg via command line. Isn't weird?

ThomasWaldmann commented 4 years ago

"Transport endpoint not connected" is a not very helpful error message.

When running borg mount -f ... in foreground one usually also sees some traceback that makes clear why the borg mount process has died (which is the reason for "not connected").

Without that traceback one can only guess...

smartm0use commented 4 years ago

As i said using borg mount works, with no errors. Doing the same with Vorta gives me that error.

How can I give you more details about the error?

m3nu commented 4 years ago

The precise mount command used by Vorta will be in the logs. Worth trying that directly as well. I added some stuff to make sure they are readable by the current user.

smartm0use commented 4 years ago

I have no errors in the log file:

2020-04-14 15:19:55,880 - vorta.i18n - DEBUG - Loading translation failed for ['en', 'en-US', 'en-Latn-US'].
2020-04-14 15:19:55,967 - apscheduler.scheduler - INFO - Scheduler started
2020-04-14 15:19:57,082 - vorta.borg.borg_thread - INFO - Running command /app/bin/borg --version
2020-04-14 15:22:57,677 - vorta.borg.borg_thread - DEBUG - Using VortaSecretStorageKeyring keyring to store passwords.
2020-04-14 15:22:57,677 - asyncio - DEBUG - Using selector: EpollSelector
2020-04-14 15:22:57,685 - root - DEBUG - Found 1 passwords matching repo URL.
2020-04-14 15:23:01,481 - vorta.borg.borg_thread - INFO - Running command /app/bin/borg --log-json mount -o umask=0277,uid=1000 /media/smartmouse/50f03a25-4d6b-4134-a6ff-09be30b8706f/borg backup::smart-default-2020-04-07T20:10:46 /home/smartmouse/Desktop/my-backup

As I said before I get that error when I try to open the destination folder. This doesn't happen if I don't use Vorta, simply using borg mount by command line.

m3nu commented 4 years ago

I meant you can use the mount command from there and test it independentyl:

/app/bin/borg --log-json mount -o umask=0277,uid=1000 /media/smartmouse/50f03a25-4d6b-4134-a6ff-09be30b8706f/borg backup::smart-default-2020-04-07T20:10:46 /home/smartmouse/Desktop/my-backup

If this reproduces the error, we can change the mount command if it makes a difference.

smartm0use commented 4 years ago

Ok, running borg --log-json mount -o umask=0277,uid=1000 /media/smartmouse/50f03a25-4d6b-4134-a6ff-09be30b8706f/borg backup::smart-default-2020-04-07T20:10:46 /home/smartmouse/Desktop/my-backup it gives me this error:

{"type": "log_message", "time": 1586871442.3481283, "message": "-: Mountpoint must be a writable directory", "levelname": "ERROR", "name": "borg.archiver"}

Instead, running borg mount /media/smartmouse/50f03a25-4d6b-4134-a6ff-09be30b8706f/borg backup/ /home/smartmouse/Desktop/my-backup/

It asks me for repository password and the it works with no problems.

Could be a permissions issue?

m3nu commented 4 years ago

Could be a permissions issue?

Could be. Ever tried using Vorta from outside Snap?

Hofer-Julian commented 4 years ago

@m3nu I guess you mean flatpak? 😉

Hofer-Julian commented 4 years ago

@smartm0use what are the permissions of your mountpoint and from which user did you execute borg mount?

smartm0use commented 4 years ago

@smartm0use what are the permissions of your mountpoint and from which user did you execute borg mount?

drwx------ 2 smartmouse smartmouse 4,0K apr 13 21:46 .
drwxr-x--- 9 smartmouse smartmouse 4,0K apr 14 00:54 ..

I just run Vorta from Ubuntu applications menu and the caption in the GUI is "Vorta for Borg Backup (as superuser)"

Hofer-Julian commented 4 years ago

As superuser? Didn't we have this conversation already that this is not supported?

smartm0use commented 4 years ago

I did not know. How to change it?

smartm0use commented 4 years ago

Seems to be a bug of Mate desktop: Were you aware of this?

smartm0use commented 4 years ago

Please look again at the first message of this issue. It seems I had a similar problem even when I installed Vorta using pip instead of flatpack. So, what's the point?

Turako commented 4 years ago

I do see the same error when mounting an archive here using Ubuntu 18.04:

vorta.borg.borg_thread`` - INFO - Running command /usr/bin/borg --log-json mount -o umask=0277,uid=1000 /media/username/NAS/Backup/borgbackup::Ubuntu1804_Name-default_2019-10-31T21:00:00 /home/username/Downloads/test 2020-04-19 07:56:37,759 - vorta.borg.borg_thread - WARNING - fuse: unknown option `umask=0277'

If I run this command in the terminal:

/usr/bin/borg --log-json mount -o umask=0277,uid=1000 /media/username/NAS/Backup/borgbackup::Ubuntu1804_Name-default_2019-10-31T21:00:00 /home/username/Downloads/test

I've been asked for the passphrase and then I also do get the following error:

fuse: unknown option `umask=0277'

My workaround at the moment is, running this command w/o the additional mount options:

/usr/bin/borg --log-json mount /media/username/NAS/Backup/borgbackup::Ubuntu1804_Name-default_2019-10-31T21:00:00 /home/username/Downloads/test

This works for me. Umount is done by:

/usr/bin/borg --log-json umount /home/username/Downloads/test

I am using the llfuse which comes with my distro, so not the latest version:

  INSTALLED: 1.3.3
  LATEST:    1.3.6
gridfs-fuse (0.1.2.dev1)  - A FUSE wrapper around MongoDB gridfs using python and llfuse.```
smartm0use commented 4 years ago

I do see the same error when mounting an archive here using Ubuntu 18.04:

vorta.borg.borg_thread - INFO - Running command /usr/bin/borg --log-json mount -o umask=0277,uid=1000 /media/username/NAS/Backup/borgbackup::Ubuntu1804_Name-default_2019-10-31T21:00:00 /home/username/Downloads/test 2020-04-19 07:56:37,759 - vorta.borg.borg_thread - WARNING - fuse: unknown option `umask=0277' ``

If I run this command in the terminal:

/usr/bin/borg --log-json mount -o umask=0277,uid=1000 /media/username/NAS/Backup/borgbackup::Ubuntu1804_Name-default_2019-10-31T21:00:00 /home/username/Downloads/test

I've been asked for the passphrase and then I also do get the following error:

fuse: unknown option `umask=0277'

My workaround at the moment is, running this command w/o the additional mount options:

/usr/bin/borg --log-json mount /media/username/NAS/Backup/borgbackup::Ubuntu1804_Name-default_2019-10-31T21:00:00 /home/username/Downloads/test

This works for me. Umount is done by:

/usr/bin/borg --log-json umount /home/username/Downloads/test

I am using the llfuse which comes with my distro, so not the latest version:

  INSTALLED: 1.3.3
  LATEST:    1.3.6
gridfs-fuse (0.1.2.dev1)  - A FUSE wrapper around MongoDB gridfs using python and llfuse.```

Ok, so, why should we use Vorta if I have to use command line to have borg working?

Hofer-Julian commented 4 years ago

I do see the same error when mounting an archive here using Ubuntu 18.04: vorta.borg.borg_thread - INFO - Running command /usr/bin/borg --log-json mount -o umask=0277,uid=1000 /media/username/NAS/Backup/borgbackup::Ubuntu1804_Name-default_2019-10-31T21:00:00 /home/username/Downloads/test 2020-04-19 07:56:37,759 - vorta.borg.borg_thread - WARNING - fuse: unknown option umask=0277' `` If I run this command in the terminal: /usr/bin/borg --log-json mount -o umask=0277,uid=1000 /media/username/NAS/Backup/borgbackup::Ubuntu1804_Name-default_2019-10-31T21:00:00 /home/username/Downloads/test I've been asked for the passphrase and then I also do get the following error: `` fuse: unknown optionumask=0277' ` My workaround at the moment is, running this command w/o the additional mount options: /usr/bin/borg --log-json mount /media/username/NAS/Backup/borgbackup::Ubuntu1804_Name-default_2019-10-31T21:00:00 /home/username/Downloads/test This works for me. Umount is done by: /usr/bin/borg --log-json umount /home/username/Downloads/test` I am using the llfuse which comes with my distro, so not the latest version:

  INSTALLED: 1.3.3
  LATEST:    1.3.6
gridfs-fuse (0.1.2.dev1)  - A FUSE wrapper around MongoDB gridfs using python and llfuse.```

Ok, so, why should we use Vorta if I have to use command line to have borg working?

@smartm0use I will not invest time into answering you anymore as you obviously do not value the time of others who provide this software for free and tried to help you with your issue.

smartm0use commented 4 years ago

@Hofer-Julian Maybe you misunderstand me due my bad english. I quoted the message @Turako that said he resolved using borg via command line instead of using GUI (Vorta). But in that way he does solve the problem simply because he was not using Vorta. I'm sorry if you misunderstand me :(

Turako commented 4 years ago

Good morning guys,

as I mentioned, working with the terminal is my workaround at the moment so that I am able to mount an archive.

I found this topic here after I discovered this problem on my machine. As @Hofer-Julian supposed, this may be related to the version of llfuse itself, as the flatplak is using the version 1.3.6. I will try to update my llfuse tonight in order to see if this solves the problem.

Thank you.

smartm0use commented 4 years ago

I found this topic here after I discovered this problem on my machine. As @Hofer-Julian supposed, this may be related to the version of llfuse itself, as the flatplak is using the version 1.3.6. I will try to update my llfuse tonight in order to see if this solves the problem.

Thank you.

Any news?

m3nu commented 4 years ago

Is this still an issue? Couldn't reproduce on Debian Testing. Maybe Borg or FUSE was too old.

smartm0use commented 4 years ago

Yes, I finally solved the issue with Vorta (installed with pip) editing the following file:


and removing -o parameters:


Now I can mount my backups with no errors.

m3nu commented 4 years ago

If the umask option is not available in certain FUSE installs, we should indeed remove it.

I added it to avoid permission errors when restoring files from NAS servers with restrictive permissions.

ThomasWaldmann commented 4 years ago

@m3nu do you have more details?

umask is something evaluated within our borg.fuse module.

m3nu commented 4 years ago

The Borg version shipped with Ubuntu 18.04 doesn't support the umask option yet.[2,3] The PR adding it was done 2 weeks after the release of Borg 1.1.5 on April 13, 2018.[1]

I'll add a feature flag for it, as we have with some other features.

I don't think you need to make any change in Borg, @ThomasWaldmann .

1: 2: 3:

root@ip-172-26-1-77:~# borg init -e none repo
root@ip-172-26-1-77:~# borg mount -o umask=0277 repo mnt
fuse: unknown option `umask=0277'
root@ip-172-26-1-77:~# borg --version
borg 1.1.5
m3nu commented 3 years ago

Fixed in #682. You can now enable overriding permissions in the Misc tab. Applies to all profiles.

smartm0use commented 3 years ago

Glad to see it has been fixed :)