borglab / gtsam

GTSAM is a library of C++ classes that implement smoothing and mapping (SAM) in robotics and vision, using factor graphs and Bayes networks as the underlying computing paradigm rather than sparse matrices.
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Fail to install MATLAB wrapper #1792

Closed zzzbbs closed 3 weeks ago

zzzbbs commented 1 month ago


I cannot install matlab wrapper of gtsam due to the following error: /home/zbs/GALBOT/gtsam/build/wrap/gtsam/gtsam_wrapper.cpp:28797:89: required from here /usr/include/c++/9/ext/new_allocator.h:146:4: error: no matching function for call to ‘gtsam::GaussianConditional::GaussianConditional(std::shared_ptr<gtsam::GaussianConditional>&)’ 146 | { ::new((void *)__p) _Up(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); }

Steps to reproduce

  2. make -j 15 check
  3. sudo make install

Expected behavior


OS: Ubuntu 20.04 GCC: 9.4.0 CMAKE: 3.16.3 Boost: 1.71 Python: 3.8.10 Matlab: 2021b GTSAM: develop branch CMake GUI output:

-- GTSAM is a shared library due to GTSAM_FORCE_SHARED_LIB
-- Found Eigen version: 3.4.0
-- checking for thread-local storage - found
-- Building 3rdparty
-- Could NOT find GeographicLib (missing: GeographicLib_LIBRARY_DIRS GeographicLib_LIBRARIES GeographicLib_INCLUDE_DIRS) 
-- Building base
-- Building basis
-- Building geometry
-- Building inference
-- Building symbolic
-- Building discrete
-- Building hybrid
-- Building linear
-- Building nonlinear
-- Building sam
-- Building sfm
-- Building slam
-- Building navigation
-- GTSAM Version: 4.3a0
-- Install prefix: /usr/local
-- Building GTSAM - as a SHARED library
-- Building base_unstable
-- Building geometry_unstable
-- Building linear_unstable
-- Building discrete_unstable
-- Building dynamics_unstable
-- Building nonlinear_unstable
-- Building slam_unstable
-- Building partition_unstable
-- GTSAM_UNSTABLE Version: 4.3a0
-- Install prefix: /usr/local
-- gtwrap Package config : /usr/local/lib/cmake/gtwrap
-- gtwrap version        : 1.0
-- gtwrap CMake path     : /usr/local/lib/cmake/gtwrap
-- gtwrap library path   : /usr/local/lib/gtwrap
-- gtwrap binary path    : /usr/local/bin/gtwrap
-- gtwrap header path    : /usr/local/include/gtwrap
-- Checking Python Version
-- Setting Python version for wrapper
-- Building wrap module gtsam
-- Installing Matlab Toolbox to /usr/local/gtsam_toolbox
-- Wrote /home/zbs/GALBOT/gtsam/build/GTSAMConfig.cmake
-- Wrote /home/zbs/GALBOT/gtsam/build/GTSAM_UNSTABLEConfig.cmake
-- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE) 
-- ===============================================================
-- ================  Configuration Options  ======================
--  CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID type                       : GNU
--  CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION                       : 9.4.0
--  CMake version                                    : 3.16.3
--  CMake generator                                  : Unix Makefiles
--  CMake build tool                                 : /usr/bin/make
-- Build flags                                               
--  Build Tests                                      : Enabled
--  Build examples with 'make all'                   : Enabled
--  Build timing scripts with 'make all'             : Disabled
--  Build shared GTSAM libraries                     : Enabled
--  Put build type in library name                   : Enabled
--  Build libgtsam_unstable                          : Enabled
--  Build GTSAM unstable Python                      : Enabled
--  Build MATLAB Toolbox for unstable                : Disabled
--  Build for native architecture                    : Disabled
--  Build type                                       : Release
--  C compilation flags                              :  -O3 -DNDEBUG
--  C++ compilation flags                            :  -O3 -DNDEBUG
--  Enable Boost serialization                       : ON
--  GTSAM_COMPILE_FEATURES_PUBLIC                    : cxx_std_17
--  GTSAM_COMPILE_OPTIONS_PUBLIC                     : 
--  Use System Eigen                                 : OFF (Using version: 3.4.0)
--  Use System Metis                                 : OFF
--  Using Boost version                              : 1.71.0
--  Use Intel TBB                                    : TBB not found
--  Eigen will use MKL                               : MKL not found
--  Eigen will use MKL and OpenMP                    : OpenMP found but GTSAM_WITH_EIGEN_MKL is disabled
--  Default allocator                                : STL
--  Cheirality exceptions enabled                    : YES
--  Build with ccache                                : No
-- Packaging flags
--  CPack Source Generator                           : TGZ
--  CPack Generator                                  : TGZ
-- GTSAM flags                                               
--  Quaternions as default Rot3                      : Disabled
--  Runtime consistency checking                     : Disabled
--  Build with Memory Sanitizer                      : Disabled
--  Rot3 retract is full ExpMap                      : Enabled
--  Pose3 retract is full ExpMap                     : Enabled
--  Enable branch merging in DecisionTree            : Enabled
--  Allow features deprecated in GTSAM 4.3           : Enabled
--  Metis-based Nested Dissection                    : Enabled
--  Use tangent-space preintegration                 : Enabled
-- MATLAB toolbox flags
--  Install MATLAB toolbox                           : Enabled
--  MATLAB root                                      : /home/zbs/MATLAB
--  MEX binary                                       : /home/zbs/MATLAB/bin/glnxa64/mex
-- Python toolbox flags                                      
--  Build Python module with pybind                  : Enabled
--  Python version                                   : 3.8.10
-- ===============================================================
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/zbs/GALBOT/gtsam/build

Thank you for your help.

Additional information

varunagrawal commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for reporting this @zzzbbs. This will be fixed by #1807.