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stubgen errors in 3.12 #168

Closed dellaert closed 1 month ago

dellaert commented 2 months ago

Even when I use python 3.12, I get all these errors:

(py312) (base) macbook-pro-8:build dellaert$ make python-install
[  2%] Built target pybind_wrap_gtsam_unstable
[ 17%] Built target metis-gtsam
[ 35%] Built target cephes-gtsam
[ 79%] Built target gtsam
[ 88%] Built target gtsam_unstable
[ 88%] Built target gtsam_unstable_header
[ 88%] Built target gtsam_unstable_py
[ 91%] Built target pybind_wrap_gtsam
[ 91%] Built target gtsam_header
[100%] Built target gtsam_py
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam : Can't find/import 'gtsam.DefaultKeyFormatter'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.BarometricFactor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10360ad30>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.BarometricFactor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10360ac40>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.BetweenFactorConstantBias.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::imuBias::ConstantBias'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.BetweenFactorConstantBias.measured : Invalid expression 'gtsam::imuBias::ConstantBias'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Bundler.__getitem__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Bundler>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Bundler.__iter__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Bundler>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Bundler.__setitem__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Bundler>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Bundler.append : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Bundler>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Bundler.insert : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Bundler>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Bundler.pop : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Bundler>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3DS2.__getitem__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3DS2>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3DS2.__iter__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3DS2>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3DS2.__setitem__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3DS2>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3DS2.append : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3DS2>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3DS2.insert : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3DS2>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3DS2.pop : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3DS2>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Fisheye.__getitem__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Fisheye>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Fisheye.__iter__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Fisheye>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Fisheye.__setitem__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Fisheye>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Fisheye.append : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Fisheye>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Fisheye.insert : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Fisheye>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Fisheye.pop : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Fisheye>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Unified.__getitem__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Unified>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Unified.__iter__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Unified>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Unified.__setitem__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Unified>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Unified.append : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Unified>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Unified.insert : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Unified>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3Unified.pop : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3Unified>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3_S2.__getitem__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3_S2>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3_S2.__iter__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3_S2>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3_S2.__setitem__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3_S2>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3_S2.append : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3_S2>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3_S2.insert : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3_S2>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CameraSetCal3_S2.pop : Invalid expression 'gtsam::PinholeCamera<gtsam::Cal3_S2>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CustomFactor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d1ef0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.CustomFactor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d1e30>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DecisionTreeFactor.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::DiscreteConditional'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DecisionTreeFactor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10331ff60>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DecisionTreeFactor._repr_html_ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332c420>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DecisionTreeFactor._repr_markdown_ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332c3c0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332c2d0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DecisionTreeFactor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10331fea0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam : Can't find/import 'gtsam.gtsam.DefaultKeyFormatter'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteBayesNet.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332d6e0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteBayesNet._repr_html_ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332db00>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteBayesNet._repr_markdown_ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332dad0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332d9b0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.DotWriter object at 0x103314370>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteBayesNet.keys : Invalid expression 'gtsam::FastSet<unsigned long long>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteBayesNet.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332d620>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteBayesNet.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332da40>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteBayesNet.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.DotWriter object at 0x1033254f0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteBayesTree.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332e100>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteBayesTree._repr_html_ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332e520>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteBayesTree._repr_markdown_ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332e4c0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332e370>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteBayesTree.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332e010>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteBayesTree.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332e430>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteBayesTreeClique.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332ddd0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteBayesTreeClique.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332dd10>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteBayesTreeClique.printSignature : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332de30>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteCluster.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332fd50>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteCluster.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332fc90>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteConditional.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332c900>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteConditional._repr_html_ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332cf60>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteConditional._repr_markdown_ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332cf00>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteConditional.error : Invalid expression 'gtsam::HybridValues'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteConditional.evaluate : Invalid expression 'gtsam::HybridValues'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteConditional.logProbability : Invalid expression 'gtsam::HybridValues'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteConditional.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332c870>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteConditional.printSignature : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332cb40>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteDistribution.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332d110>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteDistribution.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332d080>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteEliminationTree.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332fb10>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteEliminationTree.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332fa50>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteFactor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10331fcf0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteFactor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10331fc30>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteFactorGraph._repr_html_ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332f900>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteFactorGraph._repr_markdown_ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332f8a0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332f720>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.DotWriter object at 0x103329230>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteFactorGraph.keys : Invalid expression 'gtsam::FastSet<unsigned long long>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteFactorGraph.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332f810>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteFactorGraph.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.DotWriter object at 0x10331b4f0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteJunctionTree.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10333c150>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteJunctionTree.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10333c060>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteKeys.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10331fba0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteKeys.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10331fae0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteLookupDAG.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332ec70>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteLookupDAG.keys : Invalid expression 'gtsam::FastSet<unsigned long long>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteLookupDAG.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332ebb0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteLookupTable.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::AlgebraicDecisionTree<unsigned long long>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteLookupTable.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332e7c0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DiscreteLookupTable.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10332e700>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.DoglegOptimizer.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.EssentialMatrixConstraint.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10329bf60>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.EssentialMatrixConstraint.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10329bb40>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.EssentialMatrixFactor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103293810>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.EssentialMatrixFactor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033eaeb0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Factor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10331e9a0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Factor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10331e880>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.FixedLagSmoother.calculateEstimate : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.FixedLagSmoother.update : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GPSFactor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10360a7f0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GPSFactor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10360a730>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GPSFactor2.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10360aa60>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GPSFactor2.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10360a9a0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussNewtonOptimizer.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianBayesNet.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10338b210>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10338bc00>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.DotWriter object at 0x10334ea30>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianBayesNet.keys : Invalid expression 'gtsam::FastSet<unsigned long long>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianBayesNet.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10338b120>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianBayesNet.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10338bcc0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianBayesNet.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.DotWriter object at 0x103327a70>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianBayesTree.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103356be0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103394060>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianBayesTree.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10338bd80>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianBayesTree.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103394120>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianConditional.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::VerticalBlockMatrix'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianConditional.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10338a6d0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianConditional.error : Invalid expression 'gtsam::HybridValues'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianConditional.evaluate : Invalid expression 'gtsam::HybridValues'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianConditional.logProbability : Invalid expression 'gtsam::HybridValues'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianConditional.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103372640>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianDensity.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10338ae50>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianDensity.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10338adc0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033886c0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103388600>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianBayesNet'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianBayesTree'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103389950>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10338a490>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.DotWriter object at 0x103315870>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph.eliminateMultifrontal : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianBayesTree'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph.eliminatePartialMultifrontal : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianBayesTree'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph.eliminatePartialSequential : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianBayesNet'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph.eliminateSequential : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianBayesNet'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph.keys : Invalid expression 'gtsam::FastSet<unsigned long long>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph.marginalMultifrontalBayesNet : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianBayesNet'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103366b50>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph.printErrors : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103389e90>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph.push_back : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianConditional'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph.push_back : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianBayesNet'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph.push_back : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianBayesTree'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10338a520>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.DotWriter object at 0x10336f7b0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GncGaussNewtonOptimizer.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GncGaussNewtonOptimizer.optimize : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GncGaussNewtonParams.setVerbosityGNC : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GncParams<gtsam::GaussNewtonParams>::Verbosity'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GncGaussNewtonParams.verbosity. : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GncParams<gtsam::GaussNewtonParams>::Verbosity'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GncGaussNewtonParams.verbosity. : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GncParams<gtsam::GaussNewtonParams>::Verbosity'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GncLMOptimizer.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GncLMOptimizer.optimize : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GncLMParams.setVerbosityGNC : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GncParams<gtsam::LevenbergMarquardtParams>::Verbosity'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GncLMParams.verbosity. : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GncParams<gtsam::LevenbergMarquardtParams>::Verbosity'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GncLMParams.verbosity. : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GncParams<gtsam::LevenbergMarquardtParams>::Verbosity'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GraphvizFormatting.paperHorizontalAxis. : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GraphvizFormatting::Axis'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GraphvizFormatting.paperHorizontalAxis. : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GraphvizFormatting::Axis'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GraphvizFormatting.paperVerticalAxis. : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GraphvizFormatting::Axis'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.GraphvizFormatting.paperVerticalAxis. : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GraphvizFormatting::Axis'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HessianFactor.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HessianFactor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033894a0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HessianFactor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033893e0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridBayesNet.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103617a20>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103617b40>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.DotWriter object at 0x103325c70>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridBayesNet.keys : Invalid expression 'gtsam::FastSet<unsigned long long>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridBayesNet.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1036179c0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridBayesNet.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103617c00>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridBayesNet.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.DotWriter object at 0x103606cb0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridBayesNet.toFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridBayesTree.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103617090>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103617300>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridBayesTree.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103616fa0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridConditional.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1036163a0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridConditional.asHybrid : Invalid expression 'gtsam::HybridGaussianConditional'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridConditional.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1036162b0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridFactor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103615ef0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridFactor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103615e30>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridGaussianConditional.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::DecisionTree<unsigned long long'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridGaussianConditional.__init__ : Invalid expression ':__1::shared_ptr<gtsam::GaussianConditional>>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridGaussianConditional.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103616d30>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridGaussianConditional.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103616c70>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridGaussianFactor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103616a00>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridGaussianFactor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103616940>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103628390>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.DotWriter object at 0x1033356b0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridGaussianFactorGraph.keys : Invalid expression 'gtsam::FastSet<unsigned long long>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridGaussianFactorGraph.push_back : Invalid expression 'gtsam::TableFactor'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridNonlinearFactor.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::DecisionTree<unsigned long long'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridNonlinearFactor.__init__ : Invalid expression ':__1::pair<std::__1::shared_ptr<gtsam::NonlinearFactor>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridNonlinearFactor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103628bd0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridNonlinearFactor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103628b10>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridNonlinearFactorGraph.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103628930>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridNonlinearFactorGraph.keys : Invalid expression 'gtsam::FastSet<unsigned long long>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridNonlinearFactorGraph.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103628870>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridValues.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103615aa0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.HybridValues.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103615a10>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ISAM2.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033ac660>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ISAM2.calculateBestEstimate : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ISAM2.calculateEstimate : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033966d0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ISAM2.getFixedVariables : Invalid expression 'gtsam::FastSet<unsigned long long>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ISAM2.getLinearizationPoint : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ISAM2.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10338a370>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ISAM2.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103367ed0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ISAM2.update : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ISAM2.update : Invalid expression 'gtsam::FastMap<unsigned long long'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ISAM2.update : Invalid expression 'gtsam::ISAM2UpdateParams'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ISAM2Clique.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033ac090>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ISAM2Clique.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033ac030>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ISAM2Params.factorization. : Invalid expression 'gtsam::ISAM2Params::Factorization'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ISAM2Params.factorization. : Invalid expression 'gtsam::ISAM2Params::Factorization'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.JacobianFactor.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.JacobianFactor.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::VariableSlots'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.JacobianFactor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103388b10>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.JacobianFactor.eliminate : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianConditional'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.JacobianFactor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10334abe0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.JointMarginal.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10339c240>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.JointMarginal.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10339c180>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer.__init__ : Invalid expression 'relative decrease threshold: 1e-05 absolute decrease threshold: 1e-05 total error threshold: 0 maximum iterations: 100 verbosity: SILENT linear solver type: MULTIFRONTAL CHOLESKY ordering: COLAMD lambdaInitial: 1e-05 lambdaFactor: 10 lambdaUpperBound: 100000 lambdaLowerBound: 0 minModelFidelity: 0.001 diagonalDamping: 0 minDiagonal: 1e-06 maxDiagonal: 1e+32 verbosityLM: SILENT'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.LinearContainerFactor.ConvertLinearGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.LinearContainerFactor.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.MFAS.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::BinaryMeasurement<gtsam::Unit3>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Marginals.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Marginals.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103397ea0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Marginals.jointMarginalCovariance : Invalid expression 'gtsam::JointMarginal'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Marginals.jointMarginalInformation : Invalid expression 'gtsam::JointMarginal'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Marginals.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103397de0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NoiseModelFactor.unwhitenedError : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NoiseModelFactor.whitenedError : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearEquality2ConstantBias.evaluateError : Invalid expression 'gtsam::imuBias::ConstantBias'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearEqualityConstantBias.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::imuBias::ConstantBias'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103397780>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactor.error : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactor.linearize : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033976c0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103396550>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph.add : Invalid expression 'gtsam::NonlinearFactor'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph.addPriorConstantBias : Invalid expression 'gtsam::imuBias::ConstantBias'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression 'gtsam::NonlinearFactor'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103397450>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.GraphvizFormatting object at 0x103329ab0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph.error : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph.keys : Invalid expression 'gtsam::FastSet<unsigned long long>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph.linearize : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103396430>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph.printErrors : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph.printErrors : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103397180>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph.probPrime : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph.push_back : Invalid expression 'gtsam::NonlinearFactor'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph.replace : Invalid expression 'gtsam::NonlinearFactor'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph.saveGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033974e0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.GraphvizFormatting object at 0x103337fb0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearISAM.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033ad410>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearISAM.estimate : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearISAM.getLinearizationPoint : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearISAM.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10338a460>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearISAM.update : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearOptimizer.optimize : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearOptimizer.optimizeSafely : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.NonlinearOptimizer.values : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Values'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.Colamd : Invalid expression 'gtsam::VariableIndex'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.ColamdConstrainedFirstDiscreteFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::DiscreteFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.ColamdConstrainedFirstGaussianFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.ColamdConstrainedFirstHybridGaussianFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.ColamdConstrainedFirstNonlinearFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.ColamdConstrainedFirstSymbolicFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::SymbolicFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.ColamdConstrainedLastDiscreteFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::DiscreteFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.ColamdConstrainedLastGaussianFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.ColamdConstrainedLastHybridGaussianFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.ColamdConstrainedLastNonlinearFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.ColamdConstrainedLastSymbolicFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::SymbolicFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.ColamdDiscreteFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::DiscreteFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.ColamdGaussianFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.ColamdHybridGaussianFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.ColamdNonlinearFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.ColamdSymbolicFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::SymbolicFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.CreateDiscreteFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Ordering::OrderingType'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.CreateDiscreteFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::DiscreteFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.CreateGaussianFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Ordering::OrderingType'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.CreateGaussianFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.CreateHybridGaussianFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Ordering::OrderingType'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.CreateHybridGaussianFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.CreateNonlinearFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Ordering::OrderingType'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.CreateNonlinearFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.CreateSymbolicFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Ordering::OrderingType'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.CreateSymbolicFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::SymbolicFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.MetisDiscreteFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::DiscreteFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.MetisGaussianFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.MetisHybridGaussianFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.MetisNonlinearFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.MetisSymbolicFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::SymbolicFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.NaturalDiscreteFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::DiscreteFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.NaturalGaussianFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.NaturalHybridGaussianFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.NaturalNonlinearFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.NaturalSymbolicFactorGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::SymbolicFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10331c540>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Ordering.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10319a0d0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Pose3AttitudeFactor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10360a460>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Pose3AttitudeFactor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10360a3a0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.PrintKeyList : Invalid expression 'gtsam::FastList<unsigned long long>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.PrintKeyList : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10331ecd0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.PrintKeySet : Invalid expression 'gtsam::FastSet<unsigned long long>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.PrintKeySet : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10331ed90>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.PrintKeyVector : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10331ed30>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.PriorFactorConstantBias.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::imuBias::ConstantBias'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.PriorFactorConstantBias.prior : Invalid expression 'gtsam::imuBias::ConstantBias'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Rot3.axisAngle : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Unit3'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Rot3.rotate : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Unit3'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Rot3.unrotate : Invalid expression 'gtsam::Unit3'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Rot3AttitudeFactor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10360a0d0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Rot3AttitudeFactor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033afde0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ShonanAveraging3.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::BinaryMeasurement<gtsam::Rot3>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ShonanAveraging3.__init__ : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.ShonanAveragingParameters3 object at 0x103347230>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.ShonanAveraging3.__init__ : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.ShonanAveragingParameters3 object at 0x10330d0f0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicBayesNet.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d2d90>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d3120>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.DotWriter object at 0x10331bb70>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicBayesNet.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d2ca0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicBayesNet.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d31e0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicBayesNet.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.DotWriter object at 0x103339730>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicBayesTree.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033dc090>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033dc540>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicBayesTree.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d3f30>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicBayesTree.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033c7f90>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicBayesTreeClique.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d3c30>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicBayesTreeClique.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d3b70>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicCluster.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d0840>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicCluster.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d34b0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicConditional.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d29a0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicConditional.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d2910>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicEliminationTree.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d3300>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicEliminationTree.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033ad1d0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicFactor.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d2040>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicFactor.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d1fe0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicFactorGraph.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::SymbolicBayesNet'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicFactorGraph.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::SymbolicBayesTree'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicFactorGraph.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d2340>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d27c0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.DotWriter object at 0x10332aaf0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicFactorGraph.eliminateMultifrontal : Invalid expression 'gtsam::SymbolicBayesTree'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicFactorGraph.eliminatePartialMultifrontal : Invalid expression 'gtsam::SymbolicBayesTree'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicFactorGraph.eliminatePartialSequential : Invalid expression 'gtsam::SymbolicBayesNet'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicFactorGraph.eliminateSequential : Invalid expression 'gtsam::SymbolicBayesNet'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicFactorGraph.keys : Invalid expression 'gtsam::FastSet<unsigned long long>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicFactorGraph.marginalMultifrontalBayesNet : Invalid expression 'gtsam::SymbolicBayesNet'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicFactorGraph.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d2280>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicFactorGraph.push_back : Invalid expression 'gtsam::SymbolicBayesNet'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicFactorGraph.push_back : Invalid expression 'gtsam::SymbolicBayesTree'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicFactorGraph.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d2850>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicFactorGraph.saveGraph : Invalid expression '<gtsam.gtsam.DotWriter object at 0x103391cb0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicJunctionTree.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d38d0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.SymbolicJunctionTree.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033d37e0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.TranslationRecovery.addPrior : Invalid expression 'gtsam::BinaryMeasurement<gtsam::Unit3>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.TranslationRecovery.addPrior : Invalid expression 'gtsam::BinaryMeasurement<Eigen::Matrix<double'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.TranslationRecovery.addPrior : Invalid expression '1>>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.TranslationRecovery.buildGraph : Invalid expression 'gtsam::BinaryMeasurement<gtsam::Unit3>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression 'gtsam::BinaryMeasurement<gtsam::Unit3>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression 'gtsam::BinaryMeasurement<Eigen::Matrix<double'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In : Invalid expression '1>>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.TriangulationParameters.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::noiseModel::Base'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.TriangulationParameters.noiseModel. : Invalid expression 'gtsam::noiseModel::Base'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.TriangulationParameters.noiseModel. : Invalid expression 'gtsam::noiseModel::Base'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.TriangulationResult.status. : Invalid expression 'gtsam::TriangulationResult::Status'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.TriangulationResult.status. : Invalid expression 'gtsam::TriangulationResult::Status'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Values.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033c75d0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Values.atConstantBias : Invalid expression 'gtsam::imuBias::ConstantBias'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Values.atNavState : Invalid expression 'gtsam::NavState'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Values.insert : Invalid expression 'gtsam::imuBias::ConstantBias'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Values.insert : Invalid expression 'gtsam::NavState'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Values.insert_constant_bias : Invalid expression 'gtsam::imuBias::ConstantBias'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Values.insert_nav_state : Invalid expression 'gtsam::NavState'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Values.insert_or_assign : Invalid expression 'gtsam::imuBias::ConstantBias'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Values.insert_or_assign : Invalid expression 'gtsam::NavState'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Values.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x1033c7510>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Values.update : Invalid expression 'gtsam::imuBias::ConstantBias'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.Values.update : Invalid expression 'gtsam::NavState'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.VariableIndex.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::SymbolicFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.VariableIndex.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::GaussianFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.VariableIndex.__init__ : Invalid expression 'gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.VariableIndex.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10331e610>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.VariableIndex.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10331e550>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.VectorValues.__repr__ : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10337fc90>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.VectorValues.print : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x103354de0>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.html : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10333c390>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.markdown : Invalid expression '<built-in method of PyCapsule object at 0x10333c330>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.triangulatePoint3 : Invalid expression 'gtsam::noiseModel::Base'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam.gtsam.utilities.insertProjectionFactors : Invalid expression 'R: [ 1, 0, 0; 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 1 ] t: 0 0 0'
pybind11_stubgen - [WARNING] Raw C++ types/values were found in signatures extracted from docstrings.
Please check the corresponding sections of pybind11 documentation to avoid common mistakes in binding code:
[100%] Built target python-stubs
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam_unstable.gtsam_unstable.PoseRTV.Expmap : Invalid expression 'gtsam::ProductLieGroup<gtsam::Pose3, Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1, 0, 3, 1>>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam_unstable.gtsam_unstable.PoseRTV.between : Invalid expression 'gtsam::ProductLieGroup<gtsam::Pose3, Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1, 0, 3, 1>>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam_unstable.gtsam_unstable.PoseRTV.compose : Invalid expression 'gtsam::ProductLieGroup<gtsam::Pose3, Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1, 0, 3, 1>>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam_unstable.gtsam_unstable.PoseRTV.inverse : Invalid expression 'gtsam::ProductLieGroup<gtsam::Pose3, Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1, 0, 3, 1>>'
pybind11_stubgen - [  ERROR] In gtsam_unstable.gtsam_unstable.PoseRTV.retract : Invalid expression 'gtsam::ProductLieGroup<gtsam::Pose3, Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1, 0, 3, 1>>'
pybind11_stubgen - [WARNING] Raw C++ types/values were found in signatures extracted from docstrings.
Please check the corresponding sections of pybind11 documentation to avoid common mistakes in binding code:
[100%] Built target python-unstable-stubs
Processing /Users/dellaert/git/github/build/python
  Preparing metadata ( ... done
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.11.0 in /Users/dellaert/miniforge3/envs/py312/lib/python3.12/site-packages (from gtsam==4.3a0) (2.1.1)
Building wheels for collected packages: gtsam
  Building wheel for gtsam ( ... done
  Created wheel for gtsam: filename=gtsam-4.3a0-py3-none-any.whl size=18980596 sha256=b3af37a1eb19a6d071cf6dca271d45d7dc2ca96fcd11b82dd145f34721e009de
  Stored in directory: /private/var/folders/j1/srk75rwh8xldbn006s6xkd8r0000gp/T/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-o0rophwt/wheels/22/aa/ce/59cfe7727f3dd586f61a4f999cb1d14583e6dced7949bd365c
Successfully built gtsam
Installing collected packages: gtsam
Successfully installed gtsam-4.3a0
[100%] Built target python-install
ProfFan commented 2 months ago

I assume this is under conda & macOS?

ProfFan commented 2 months ago

Oh these errors are expected, they are due to and can be safely ignored (note the return code of build is 0)