boring12345 / Memory

This is the repository for the Codecademy Memory project.
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Our Wiki #22

Open boring12345 opened 11 years ago

boring12345 commented 11 years ago

Is there anyone, who would like to maintain our wiki?

haxor789 commented 11 years ago

How to clone this rep and get the beta branch

But a real tutorial on how to use gitHub would be great!

boring12345 commented 11 years ago

Yes, I see. Probably that's a reason, why so many people aren't active here. Perhaps I will add something at Codecademy. :-)

boring12345 commented 11 years ago

I've written a short quick start guide. :-)

haxor789 commented 11 years ago

Thanks but i already knew that stuff, but what about getting the right branch, fetch, commit, push, merge, pull request and of course delete :D And do you use that git bash or how do you keep your repo up-to-date? I've read the bootcamp tutorial but it still took some time to get the right branch.

ghost commented 11 years ago

what is git bash?

haxor789 commented 11 years ago

should I've chosen the native app instead of git? Git bash is a unix shell to control your git.

PS: Found a documentation and a git tutorial

boring12345 commented 11 years ago

I'm using the app you've linked to. The other one is only used for debugging (for example, when I've merged the two gh-pages, hk97's and mine). The right branch is currently the Beta one, but perhaps I'm going to write more into the guide. Pull request = merging two branches merge = combining two branches, updating one using the other one commit = adding code, doing anything brach = something like beta, master or gh-pages (the one, which is the website) It was just that many users are not really active and some have mentioned navigation problems even before you did.

ghost commented 11 years ago

i just use github for windows, though i think i have the command prompt thing also downloaded, which i don't understand how to use.

haxor789 commented 11 years ago

Ok I'll give this documentation a try and if I dont get it i'll take this app.

boring12345 commented 11 years ago

We still need someone maintaining the wiki. :-)

boring12345 commented 11 years ago

Push. Does anyone want to maintain it or shall I do it?

A-J-C commented 11 years ago

I'd maintain it but im not really sure how to sorry!

boring12345 commented 11 years ago

Describe, what we are going to create. :-)

boring12345 commented 11 years ago

Assigned to me.

boring12345 commented 11 years ago

I've added a navigation. :-)

boring12345 commented 11 years ago

Added some screenshots.

boring12345 commented 11 years ago

What do you think about writing some small blurbs in the About Us section, like the following one?

Boring12345: He has initialized this project and now he is the leader organizing the project and a developer. Boring likes contributing to this project, as he loves JavaScript.

boring12345 commented 11 years ago

@haxor789 @DaVinniCode

Do you want to write some small blurbs mentioning your parts of the game, too? Feel free to show, how much you have contributed to this project. :-)

boring12345 commented 11 years ago

Should I publish the blurbs, or should I leave them here, as they don't really improve our wiki?

haxor789 commented 11 years ago

Maybe just add them to the About us when the wiki gets its next update.

boring12345 commented 11 years ago
