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Example of course #1

Open xihajun opened 1 year ago

xihajun commented 1 year ago
Date Description Course Materials Events Deadlines
03/29 Lecture 1: Introduction Computer vision overview Historical context Course logistics [slides 1] [slides 2]
——— Deep Learning Basics
03/31 Lecture 2: Image Classification with Linear Classifiers The data-driven approach K-nearest neighbor Linear Classifiers Algebraic / Visual / Geometric viewpoints SVM and Softmax loss [slides] Image Classification Problem Linear Classification
04/01 Python / Numpy Review Session [Colab] [Tutorial] 1:30-2:30pm PT Assignment 1 out [handout] [colab]
04/05 Lecture 3: Regularization and Optimization Regularization Stochastic Gradient Descent Momentum, AdaGrad, Adam Learning rate schedules [slides] Optimization
04/07 Lecture 4: Neural Networks and Backpropagation Multi-layer Perceptron Backpropagation [slides] Backprop Linear backprop example Suggested Readings: Why Momentum Really Works Derivatives notes Efficient backprop More backprop references: [1], [2], [3]
04/08 Backprop Review Session [slides] 1:30-2:30pm PT
——— Perceiving and Understanding the Visual World
04/12 Lecture 5: Image Classification with CNNs History Higher-level representations, image features Convolution and pooling [slides] Convolutional Networks
04/13 Final Project Overview and Guidelines [slides] 3:00-4:00pm PT
04/14 Lecture 6: CNN Architectures Batch Normalization Transfer learning AlexNet, VGG, GoogLeNet, ResNet [slides] AlexNet, VGGNet, GoogLeNet, ResNet
04/15 Assignment 1 due
04/18 Project proposal due
04/19 Lecture 7: Training Neural Networks Activation functions Data processing Weight initialization Hyperparameter tuning Data augmentation [slides] Neural Networks, Parts 1, 2, 3 Suggested Readings: Stochastic Gradient Descent Tricks Efficient Backprop Practical Recommendations for Gradient-based Training Deep Learning, Nature 2015 An Overview of Gradient Descent Algorithms A Disciplined Approach to Neural Network Hyper-Parameters
04/21 Lecture 8: Visualizing and Understanding Feature visualization and inversion Adversarial examples DeepDream and style transfer [slides]
04/22 PyTorch Review Session [slides] 1:30-2:30pm PT
04/26 Lecture 9: Object Detection and Image Segmentation Single-stage detectors Two-stage detectors Semantic/Instance/Panoptic segmentation [slides] FCN, R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, YOLO
04/28 Lecture 10: Recurrent Neural Networks RNN, LSTM, GRU Language modeling Image captioning Sequence-to-sequence [slides] Suggested Readings: DL book RNN chapter Understanding LSTM Networks
04/29 Object Detection & RNNs Review Session [slides] 2:30-3:30pm PT
05/02 Assignment 2 due
05/03 Lecture 11: Attention and Transformers Self-Attention Transformers [slides] Suggested Readings: Attention is All You Need [Original Transformers Paper] Attention? Attention [Blog by Lilian Weng] The Illustrated Transformer [Blog by Jay Alammar] ViT: Transformers for Image Recognition [Paper] [Blog] [Video] DETR: End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers [Paper] [Blog] [Video]
05/5 Lecture 12: Video Understanding Video classification 3D CNNs Two-stream networks Multimodal video understanding [slides]
05/06 Midterm Review Session 2:30-3:30pm PT
05/07 Project milestone due
05/10 In-Class Midterm 1:30-3:00pm Assignment 3 out [handout] [colab]
——— Reconstructing and Interacting with the Visual World
05/12 Lecture 13: Generative Models Supervised vs. Unsupervised learning Pixel RNN, Pixel CNN Variational Autoencoders Generative Adversarial Networks [slides] Suggested Readings: Image GPT: Generative Pretraining From Pixels [Paper] [Blog]
05/17 Lecture 14: Self-supervised Learning Pretext tasks Contrastive learning Multisensory supervision [slides] Suggested Readings: Lilian Weng Blog Post DINO: Emerging Properties in Self-Supervised Vision Transformers [Paper] [Blog] [Video]
05/19 Lecture 15: Low-Level Vision (Guest Lecture by Prof. Jia Deng from Princeton University) Optical flow Depth estimation Stereo vision [slides] Assignment 3 due
——— Human-Centered Applications and Implications
05/26 Lecture 17: Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence AI & healthcare
05/31 Lecture 18: Fairness in Visual Recognition (Guest Lecture by Prof. Olga Russakovsky from Princeton University)
06/02 Project final report due
06/04 Final Project Poster Session Note: Only open to the Stanford community and invited guests. 3:30-6:30pm Location: Alumni Center McCaw Hall/Ford Gardens Click here for the logistics and expectations.
06/05 Project poster PDF due