borisguery / Inflexible

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Composer unable to install Inflexible with Symfony 2.3. #7

Open archfizz opened 11 years ago

archfizz commented 11 years ago

Since Symfony 2.3 is an LTS release, the minimum-stability has been set in composer as stable but Inflexible requires "doctrine/inflector": "dev-master".

Problem 1
- Installation request for borisguery/inflexible dev-master -> satisfiable by borisguery/inflexible[dev-master].
- borisguery/inflexible dev-master requires doctrine/inflector dev-master -> no matching package found.

Problem 2
- borisguery/inflexible dev-master requires doctrine/inflector dev-master -> no matching package found.
- symfony/framework-standard-edition 2.3.x-dev requires borisguery/inflexible dev-master -> satisfiable by borisguery/inflexible[dev-master].

I could change my minimum-stability settings but it feels a bit overkill.

I had already set "prefer-stable": true, to my composer.json, but that doesn't seem to affect the outcome.

Perhaps specifying a minimum version of Doctrine Inflections might be the solution.