borisshoes / ArcanaNovum

A Server Side Magic Fabric Mod
Open Software License 3.0
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Translation does not work on formatted items #2

Open biryeongtrain opened 1 week ago

biryeongtrain commented 1 week ago


  1. Formatted(with styled named item, or has lore, etc) Items only display english lore. (See Image 2, 3)
  2. Normal Item, like "arcananovum:mundane_arcane_paper" display proper language. (See Image 1)

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biryeongtrain commented 1 week ago

ok i found why. it works when i add file in data\arcananovum\lang because of the server-translation-api

biryeongtrain commented 1 week ago

ok i found why. it works when i add file in data\arcananovum\lang because of the server-translation-api

nvm it still forces english

borisshoes commented 1 week ago

Since Arcana Novum includes a lot of text, especially in the item lore, lore entries, augment and achievement descriptions, and research tasks for each item, on top of the dialog from Nul, Equayus and Enderia, I did not really consider it a priority to make everything translation keyed. There are further difficulties when considering that for any item-lore displayed text, I had to structure each sentence to be display nicely, which involved a lot of character counting that wouldn't be conserved in other languages, as well as any color coded words for emphasis.

The least I can do for now is to make sure that item names use the translation keys properly, and adding translation keys for anything that doesn't contain colored emphasis like Achievement and Augment names and descriptions, which I can throw into the next patch version. I will think about ways to better support translation in the future, but I can't really promise much unfortunately.

borisshoes commented 1 week ago

You'll find a bunch of new translation keys in v3.0.1. However, this is still far from complete translation support, but its the best I can do for now.

If anyone else who reads this would like to see more complete translation support, throw a reaction onto this comment. If I see that this is a much-wanted enhancement I will put it higher on my feature list.

I will keep this issue open for visibility.