borisveytsman / BibTeXPerlLibs

BibTeX parser and other modules by Gerhard Gossen
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Bug with parsing of pre #3

Open pauloney opened 6 years ago

pauloney commented 6 years ago

It is really nice that BibTeX::Parser is now is looking at the "comments" section in between records in a BibTeX file.... but may be it is going too far ... The following examples shows a file that is a completely valid BibTeX file, but it is not parsable with BibTeX::Parser.

The problem here are matched braces that span and entire record within the scope of the brace. More nefarious examples can be construed with unmatched braces -- all of them perfect valid BibTeX files.

In this example just reading (and writing back) disapears with one of the records.


M. Anderson, A. Katsuda, Y. Kurylev, M. Lassas, M. Taylor: Boundary regularity for the Ricci equation, Geometric Convergence, and Gel'fand's Inverse Boundary Problem,  {\sl  Inventiones Math.} 158 (2004), 261--321.

@article {AKKLT,
     MRKEY = {MR2096795},
    AUTHOR = {Anderson, Michael and Katsuda, Atsushi and Kurylev, Yaroslav
              and Lassas, Matti and Taylor, Michael},
     TITLE = {Boundary regularity for the {R}icci equation, geometric
              convergence, and {G}elfand's inverse boundary problem},
   JOURNAL = {Invent. Math.},
    VOLUME = {158},
      YEAR = {2004},
     PAGES = {261--321},

G. Bao, H. Zhang: Sensitivity analysis of an inverse problem for the wave equation with caustics. {\sl  J. Amer. Math. Soc.} 27 (2014),
@article {Bao,
     MRKEY = {MR3230816},
    AUTHOR = {Bao, Gang and Zhang, Hai},
     TITLE = {Sensitivity analysis of an inverse problem for the wave
              equation with caustics},
   JOURNAL = {J. Amer. Math. Soc.},
    VOLUME = {27},
      YEAR = {2014},
     PAGES = {953--981},

\bibitem {Bardos}
C. Bardos, G. Lebeau, J. Rauch: Sharp sufficient conditions for the observation, control, and stabilization of waves from the boundary.
{\sl SIAM J. Control Optim.} 30 (1992),  1024--1065.

@article {Bardos,
     MRKEY = {MR1178650},
    AUTHOR = {Bardos, Claude and Lebeau, Gilles and Rauch, Jeffrey},
     TITLE = {Sharp sufficient conditions for the observation, control, and
              stabilization of waves from the boundary},
   JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Control Optim.},
    VOLUME = {30},
      YEAR = {1992},
     PAGES = {1024--1065},

P. Hoskins:
Principles of ultrasound elastography,
{\sl Ultrasound} (20) 2012, 8--15.

  title={Principles of ultrasound elastography},
  author={Hoskins, Peter R},
  publisher={SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England},


\bibitem {HKM}
T. Hughes, T. Kato, J. Marsden:
Well-posed quasi-linear second-order hyperbolic systems with applications to nonlinear elastodynamics and general relativity.
{\sl  Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.} 63 (1976), 273--294.

@article {HKM,
     MRKEY = {MR0420024},
    AUTHOR = {Hughes, Thomas J. R. and Kato, Tosio and Marsden, Jerrold E.},
     TITLE = {Well-posed quasi-linear second-order hyperbolic systems with
              applications to nonlinear elastodynamics and general
   JOURNAL = {Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.},
    VOLUME = {63},
      YEAR = {1976},
     PAGES = {273--294 (1977)},
borisveytsman commented 6 years ago

It is very difficult to make the system parse files with unbalanced braces within pre...

pauloney commented 5 years ago

Boris, the point here is that it gets trown off by the comment:


that is located in between Records 1 and 2. It is essentially finding (and processing material that is contained in between two records -- while it should not. It should:

  1. Locate an @entry{...} and its matching curly braces
  2. Process the stuff that contained in between these braces only
  3. Ignore and the treat the rest as a blob

That should do and process it properly.