Closed ktobah closed 7 years ago
could you post a minimal example?
\documentclass{acmart} %if the class is {report} it works fine
يعود تاريخ علوم الحاسوب إلى اختراع أول حاسوب رقمي حديث. فقبل العشرينات من القرن العشرين، كان مصطلح حاسوب \textLR{Computer} يشير إلى أي أداة بشرية تقوم بعملية الحسابات. ما هي القضايا أو الأشياء التي يمكن لآلة أن تحسبها باتباع قائمة من التعليمات مع ورقة وقلم، دون تحديد للزمن اللازم ودون أي مهارات أو بصيرة (ذكاء)؟ وكان أحد دوافع هذه الدراسات هو تطوير آلات حاسبة \textLR{computing machines} يمكنها إتمام الأعمال الروتينية والعرضة للخطأ البشري عند إجراء حسابات بشرية.
خلال الأربعينات، مع تطوير آلات حاسبة أكثر قوة وقدرة حسابية، تتطور مصطلح حاسوب ليشير إلى الآلات بدلا من الأشخاص الذين يقومون بالحسابات. وأصبح من الواضح أن الحواسيب يمكنها أن تقوم بأكثر من مجرد عمليات حسابية وبالتالي انتقلوا لدراسة تحسيب أو التحسيب بشكل عام. بدأت المعلوماتية وعلوم الحاسب تأخذ استقلالها كفرع أكاديمي مستقل في الستينات، مع إيجاد أوائل أقسام علوم الحاسب في الجامعات وبدأت الجامعات تعطي إجازات في هذه العلوم .
I am using overleaf online editor (can't use offline editors), and the error message I get is:
Argument of \MT@res@a has an extra }.
\par l.15 \end{document}
Hi Ahmed,
On Jul 30, 2017, at 12:48 AM, Ahmed Ktob<> wrote:
I am using overleaf online editor (can't use offline editors), and the error message I get is:
Argument of \MT@res@a has an extra }.
\par l.15 \end{document}
If you just keep hitting
The processing problem occurs with internal coding from the MicroType package, which is loaded by the ACM classes. That is, \MT@res@a is used internally within microtype.sty .
So the question could well be “does it make sense to use micro type with arabic input?’'
If not, then how can it be cleanly disabled when it occurs, e.g. within a \begin{otherlanguage} environment? Is there is similar problem with other foreign (i.e., non-english) languages, in particular those using non-latin-based scripts?
So, should the disabling mechanism be tied to all uses of otherlanguage , or just to arabic, and other non-latin scripts?
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Hope this helps.
Dr Ross Moore
Mathematics Dept | 12 Wally’s Walk, 734 Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
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Dear Dr Moore,
Thank you for your reply. It is helpful. But as I mentioned I am using the Overleaf Online editor, so I don't have access to the console.
I hope the developer will shed some light on this. I am not so familiar with how the commands of Latex works (the programming side of things), so I really can't help.
Hi Tobias,
On Jul 30, 2017, at 3:40 PM, Tobias Pape<> wrote:
Maybe this is related?
I now think microtype is a red herring. The problem is a bit more severe, with MT just happening to correspond to where unwanted expansions become completely intractable.
I’ve looked at this in more detail now, with tracing. It’s not occurring within the arabic text, but at the end of this document, while writing the page-number into the .aux file, via the 2nd argumant in \newlabel{TotPages}{…} .
The \thepage macro is necessarily not robust, so expands including a font-setting command \latintext . This creates a mess in the .aux file, as well as subsequent expansion errors.
viz. \newlabel{TotPages}{{1}{\protect \protect \bgroup \beginL \protect \protect \edef LAE{T1}\let \enc@update \relax \protect \xdef \T1/LinuxLibertineT-TLF/m/n/9 {\LAE/LinuxLibertineT-TLF/m/n/9 }\begingroup \escapechar \m@ne \let \MT@subst@\T1/LinuxLibertineT-TLF/m/n/9 \def \par }{}{page.0}{}}
Note in particular the invalid syntax \def \par } !!!!
Ending the document with
\def\latintext{\noexpand\latintext} \end{document}
allows the file to process smoothly. But the page number is then given in arabic, which surely is not what would be wanted in an ACM document containing just bits of arabic.
And there are still failures as the .aux file is read in at the beginning of the next processing run. So this certainly isn’t the complete fix.
Furthermore, it seems that after
\begin{otherlanguage}{arabic} … \end{otherlanguage}
the font never switches back to one for English — if that is what is intended. (As I'm guessing it would be, for an ACM journal article.)
The only way that I can get left-to right text following the arabic is to explicitly use:
\noindent\textLR{% Here is some latin text. }%
The best I’ve been able to do is to end the document with:
\noindent\textLR{% Here is some latin text. }% \def\latintext{\noexpand\latintext} \let\thepage\savethepage \end{document}
where \savethepage is established in the preamble via:
\documentclass{acmart} \let\savethepage\thepage
Now it processes smoothly, as well as on subsequent runs. The .aux file now has:
\newlabel{TotPages}{{1}{\protect \protect \bgroup \beginL \latintext 1\endL \egroup \protect }{}{page.\protect \protect \bgroup \beginL \latintext 1\endL \egroup \protect }{}}
which doesn’t seem best.
But still the page number visible in the PDF remains arabic, not latin.
Perhaps someone else here has some experience with how arabic snippets would best be included in an ACM document.
Hope this helps.
Dr Ross Moore
Mathematics Dept | 12 Wally’s Walk, 734 Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
T: +61 2 9850 8955 | F: +61 2 9850 8114<tel:%2B61%202%209850%209695> M:+61 407 288 255<tel:%2B61%20409%20125%20670> | E:
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@ktobah Does the code from @ozross solve the problem?
Hi Boris,
On Jul 31, 2017, at 6:59 AM, Boris Veytsman<> wrote:
@ktobah Does the code from @ozross solve the problem?
Here is a much better, and complete, solution which can be used more generally, should similar problems be identified.
% RRM: solution to a package changing the \pagestyle expansions, % \ps@head and \ps@foot for running headers and footers % The following block can be easily placed into acmart.cls \makeatletter \let\ACM@ps@plain\ps@plain \let\ACM@ps@myheadings\ps@myheadings \let\ACM@ps@headings\ps@headings % \let\ACM@thepage\thepage % probably no longer needed \def\ACM@restore@pagestyle{% \let\ps@plain\ACM@ps@plain \let\ps@myheadings\ACM@ps@myheadings \let\ps@headings\ACM@ps@headings } \AtBeginDocument{\ACM@restore@pagestyle} \makeatother
Test it, followed by:
\usepackage{arabtex} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[LFE,LAE]{fontenc} \usepackage[english,arabic]{babel}
or any other packages that mess with \ps@head and \ps@foot
The package that does this kind of change for arabic is arabicore.sty .
The attached files do such a test, over 2 pages. I’ll leave it to someone else to run further tests, for more complicated situations.
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Hope this helps.
Dr Ross Moore
Mathematics Dept | 12 Wally’s Walk, 734 Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
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MANY thanks, @ozross
Thank you very much. Now, it compiles and generates the pdf correctly. However, I got a warning (just in case you want to investigate more on this):
Package caption Warning: \caption will not be redefined since it's already
(caption) redefined by a document class or package which is
(caption) unknown to the caption package.
See the caption package documentation for explanation.
Dear @borisveytsman, @ozross:
I have tried to add a \section{Introduction} to the document, and if breaks again!
Error message:
Undefined` control sequence.
\thesection ...ber \c@section .\number \c@chapter
}\protect \else \protect \...
l.3 \section{Introduction}
Hi Ahmed,
On Jul 31, 2017, at 8:35 PM, Ahmed Ktob<> wrote:
Dear @borisveytsman, @ozross
I have tried to add a \section{Introduction} to the document, and if breaks again!
Error message:
Undefined` control sequence. \thesection ...ber \c@section .\number \c@chapter }\protect \else \protect ... l.3 \section{Introduction}
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Yes. You have to expect this.
Something similar should happen with every piece of structured content, such as list items, citations, bibliography items, table-of-contents, etc.
This is because arabtex is primarily about creating documents using arabic scripts according to arabic typesetting conventions; in particular, right-to-left RTL output — constructed from input read left-to-right LTR.
To do this, arabtex (or one of the packages it loads) will have defined coding to replace all the structural macros, to support what it needs. Many of these will be the same as what acmart.cls also redefines for its own purposes.
Having the two packages loaded together and working correctly will require a detailed study of what each changes, then devising code such as what I did with headers/footers to impose the desired version (ACM or arabtex) into the processing of the particular structure instances.
Of course one also has to decide what “correct” means in each case.
That is, are we
Both situations have merit. Currently acmart is not setup properly for either. It would be a major job to make it so.
I have ideas on how this should be done, in a modular way that allows compatibility with other LaTeX packages. This would then make it a lot easier to further adapt to producing Tagged PDF output, say; as this also needs to patch all of the LaTeX structural macros.
This is surely a question for higher-up to consider.
Hope this helps.
Dr Ross Moore
Mathematics Dept | 12 Wally’s Walk, 734 Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
T: +61 2 9850 8955 | F: +61 2 9850 8114<tel:%2B61%202%209850%209695> M:+61 407 288 255<tel:%2B61%20409%20125%20670> | E:
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Dear @ozross Thank you for your comments. Apparently, it is a major work which will take a lot of time. I think I will switch to Word for this task now.
Thank you very much for your help.
Hi, @ktobah
I looked into your issues. It seems Babel wants to make some changes to defs which we need to undo.
This works:
\usepackage[english, arabic]{babel}
يعود تاريخ علوم الحاسوب إلى اختراع أول حاسوب رق??ي حديث. فقبل العشرينات من القرن العشرين، كان مص??لح حاسوب \textLR{Computer} يشير إلى أي أداة بشرية تقوم بعملية الحسابات. ما هي القضايا أو الأشياء التي يمكن لآلة أن تحسبها باتباع قائمة من التعليمات مع ورقة وقلم، دون تحديد للزمن اللازم ودون أي مهارات أو بصيرة (ذكاء)؟ وكان أحد دوافع هذه الدراسات هو طوير آلات حاسبة \textLR{computing machines} يمكنها إتمام الأعمال الروتينية والعرضة للخطأ البشري عند إجراء حسابات بشرية.
خلال الأربعينات، مع تطوير آلات حاسبة أكثر قوة و??درة حسابية، تتطور مصطلح حاسوب ليشير إلى الآلات بدلا من الأشخاص الذين يقومون بالحسابات. وأصبح م?? الواضح أن الحواسيب يمكنها أن تقوم بأكثر من مجر?? عمليات حسابية وبالتالي انتقلوا لدراسة تحسيب أ?? التحسيب بشكل عام. بدأت المعلوماتية وعلوم الحاسب تأخذ استقلالها كفرع أكاديمي مستقل في الستينات، مع إيجاد أوائل أقسام علوم الحاسب في الجامعات وبدأت الجامعات تعطي إجازات في هذه العلوم .
Hello Ahmed,
On Aug 2, 2017, at 2:52 AM, Ahmed Ktob<> wrote:
Dear @ozross Thank you for your comments. Apparently, it is a major work which will take a lot of time. I think I will switch to Word for this task now.
That’d be a pity.
You haven’t told us yet just what that task is, and why you want to use acmart as the document class.
The problem for you with the ACM class is that it does many, many things that you many not need. In particular it loads hyperref which necessarily patches many structures that arabicore.sty also patches. Those patches were developed independently, without regard for the presence of the other package — hence you get incompatibilities.
There are other LaTeX packages and tools that have been designed specifically for Arabic/Farsi/Persian etc. that may suit your requirements better.
For example, try XeTeX and the bidi package. This is meant to be very good.
Or continue to use arabtex and/or Babel (you don’t actually need both) with a document class that isn’t as involved as acmart . (You originally said that things worked with LaTeX's report class.)
Thank you very much for your help.
It’s a pity that ACM currently is incompatible with what you want to do. But thanks for the report, as it highlights an area where the document class can be improved, for the benefit of all.
All the best.
Dr Ross Moore
Mathematics Dept | 12 Wally’s Walk, 734 Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
T: +61 2 9850 8955 | F: +61 2 9850 8114<tel:%2B61%202%209850%209695> M:+61 407 288 255<tel:%2B61%20409%20125%20670> | E:
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Thank you very much for all the help and suggestion. Sorry, I missed telling what I want to accomplish. Well, I am planning to write a journal paper for an ACM journal, which means I need to use the ACM document class. The main content is in English, however, there are few sentences in Arabic.
I know I can do that in Word, but the quality of the generated PDF is, at least, not compared to that generated with latex. Also, I don't have to worry a lot about the styling of the different parts of the document as it is managed by the class itself. I would love to use the class. But honestly, I don't have the skills to deal with all the issues that are appearing and also don't have the time to look for a solution online for each single issue.
I will consider looking for examples on how to use XeTeX and the bidi package. If it works with the ACM class, great.
That's the main thing that I want to accomplish. Thank you very much for everything.
@ktobah If you just need a couple paragraphs, you do not need arabic.sty
The following works for me:
\usepackage[english, arabic]{babel}
% Metadata Information
% Copyright
% Paper history
\received{February 2007}
\received[revised]{March 2009}
\received[accepted]{June 2009}
% Document starts
% Title portion. Note the short title for running heads
\title{A Multifrequency MAC
Specially Designed for Wireless Sensor Network Applications}
\author{Gang Zhou}
\institution{College of William and Mary}
\streetaddress{104 Jamestown Rd}
Multifrequency media access control has been well understood in
general wireless ad hoc networks.
% The code below should be generated by the tool at
% Please copy and paste the code instead of the example below.
<concept_desc>Computer systems organization~Embedded systems</concept_desc>
<concept_desc>Computer systems organization~Redundancy</concept_desc>
<concept_desc>Networks~Network reliability</concept_desc>
\ccsdesc[500]{Computer systems organization~Embedded systems}
\ccsdesc[300]{Computer systems organization~Redundancy}
\ccsdesc{Computer systems organization~Robotics}
\ccsdesc[100]{Networks~Network reliability}
% End generated code
\keywords{Wireless sensor networks, media access control,
multi-channel, radio interference, time synchronization}
This is an introduction
يعود تاريخ علوم الحاسوب إلى اختراع أول حاسوب رقمي حديث. فقبل العشرينات من القرن العشرين، كان مصطلح حاسوب \textLR{Computer} يشير إلى أي أداة بشرية تقوم بعملية الحسابات. ما هي القضايا أو الأشياء التي يمكن لآلة أن تحسبها باتباع قائمة من التعليمات مع ورقة وقلم، دون تحديد للزمن اللازم ودون أي مهارات أو بصيرة (ذكاء)؟ وكان أحد دوافع هذه الدراسات هو تطوير آلات حاسبة \textLR{computing machines} يمكنها إتمام الأعمال الروتينية والعرضة للخطأ ا عند إجراء حسابات بشرية.
خلال الأربعينات، مع تطوير آلات حاسبة أكثر قوة وقدرة حسابية، تتطور مصطلح حاسوب ليشير إلى الآلات بدلا من الأشخاص الذين يقومون بالحسابات. وأصبح من الواضح أن الحواسيب يمكنها أن تقوم بأكثر من مجرد عمليات حسابية وبالتالي انتقلوا لدراسة تحسيب أو التحسيب بشكل عام. بدأت المعلوماتية وعلوم الحاسب تأخذ استقلالها كفرع أكاديمي مستقل في الستينات، مع إيجاد أوائل أقسام علوم الحاسب في الجامعات وبدأت الجامعات تعطي إجازات في هذه العلوم .
Dear @borisveytsman, yes I have been trying your code and it seems working well; however, I got a new error message when using lists. I think, as @ozross mentioned, there will be an issue with almost every single component, unfortunately.
LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
Hi Ahmed, and Boris
On Aug 2, 2017, at 9:09 AM, Ahmed Ktob<> wrote:
Thank you very much for all the help and suggestion. Sorry, I missed telling what I want to accomplish. Well, I am planning to write a journal paper for an ACM journal, which means I need to use the ACM document class. The main content is in English, however, there are few sentences in Arabic.
OK. That makes it important that we get the incompatibilities ironed out.
Please try adapting your document to use the stuff in the preamble of the included LaTeX source. I’ve tried to catch all the things that arabicore changes.
It works OK for me with: \title, \author, \date, \section, \subsection, \tableofcontents (Boris, see comment below) and now an {enumerate} list.
Boris. Some technical quirks.
There is a slight problem with numbering sections in the Table-of-Contents. Space between the number and the section-title gets lost. Dunno why yet.
Certainly \@tmpdima is not large enough as \contentsline is being processed.
Here’s where the relevant dimension gets reduced. \r@tocindent1 ->4.185pt {changing \dimen14=18.2pt} {into \dimen14=4.185pt} but I don’t yet know which package is causing this.
This latter aspect would be best coded into acmart.cls , so a user isn’t bothered by it.
I know I can do that in Word, but the quality of the generated PDF is, at least, not compared to that generated with latex. Also, I don't have to worry a lot about the styling of the different parts of the document as it is managed by the class itself. I would love to use the class. But honestly, I don't have the skills to deal with all the issues that are appearing and also don't have the time to look for a solution online for each single issue.
I will consider looking for examples on how to use XeTeX and the bidi package. If it works with the ACM class, great.
That's the main thing that I want to accomplish. Thank you very much for everything
The attached sample document should help you doing this.
All the best,
Dr Ross Moore
Mathematics Dept | 12 Wally’s Walk, 734 Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
T: +61 2 9850 8955 | F: +61 2 9850 8114<tel:%2B61%202%209850%209695> M:+61 407 288 255<tel:%2B61%20409%20125%20670> | E:
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Hi @ozross
Thank you for your help. But, I can't find the attached file you mentioned. Maybe you forgot to upload it?
Hi @ktobah
The attachments were sent by my mailer, but stripped out by the mailing-list software. This time I'll do it wit the Git interface. This doesn't support .tex files!!! — So I'll rename it to .txt . You'll have to change back to .tex before trying to process it; or just copy what you want from it.
Hi Ross,
Thank you very much. Alright, I will work with this new file and, hopefully, things will go smoothly this time ))
Best regards, Ahmed
Hi Ahmed,
On Aug 3, 2017, at 7:19 AM, Ahmed Ktob<> wrote:
Hi Ross,
Thank you very much. Alright, I will work with this new file and, hopefully, things will go smoothly this time ))
I just updated to the latest development version of acmart.cls, rather than what came with TeXLive 2017. The lack of spaces in the ToC is fixed! So is using \makeatletter before reading .toc files, etc.
If you come across any other problems concerning compatibility with Arabi or RTL typesetting, please let me know. Most likely it can be solved with manipulation of pointers, as has been the case so far.
Before offerring this coding to be added into acmart.cls I’m changing the name of the pointers to better reflect where the coding comes from. e.g.
\ACM@LTX@…. means ACM just uses what’s defined by LaTeX \ACM@AMS@…. means ACM uses coding from amsart.cls or amsbook.cls \ACM@Hy@…. means ACM uses coding that has been defined or modified by Hyperref \ACM@AMS@Hy@…. means ACM uses coding from amsart.cls modified by Hyperref etc.
This should make any further development easier, to find where coding has come really come from, so where to look in case other dependencies emerge.
Best regards, Ahmed
Dr Ross Moore
Mathematics Dept | 12 Wally’s Walk, 734 Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
T: +61 2 9850 8955 | F: +61 2 9850 8114<tel:%2B61%202%209850%209695> M:+61 407 288 255<tel:%2B61%20409%20125%20670> | E:
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I am trying to write a journal paper in English that includes some Arabic text. However, the compilations fail every time. I tried the arabtext and arabxetex packages with pdflatex, xelatex, and lualatex, but nothing works.
Can you please assist me with this? Thank you