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Bug \department in \affiliation is not reflected in the ouput #517

Closed senthilmm closed 9 months ago

senthilmm commented 9 months ago

\author{Ben Trovato} \authornote{Both authors contributed equally to this research.} \email{} \orcid{1234-5678-9012} \author{G.K.M. Tobin} \authornotemark[1] \email{} \affiliation{% \department{Department} \institution{Institute for Clarity in Documentation} \streetaddress{P.O. Box 1212} \city{Dublin} \state{Ohio} \country{USA} \postcode{43017-6221} }

senthilmm commented 9 months ago

Need to generate affiliation with the department, Institution in the output. Is it OK to add department content in institution. As I see from the amsart documentation, "Note that in some cases (for example, journals) these parts are not printed in the resulting copy, but they are necessary since they are used by the XML metadata extraction programs." Any provision for print?