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Bug bbl2bib - nonreproduceable #4

Closed pauloney closed 6 years ago

pauloney commented 6 years ago

Here is a bug that will probably be very hard to track -- it is non-reproducible, sometimes it shows up on a run, sometimes not. It probably has something to do either with the return from MRef or how bad the network connection is at a given time. Hopefully one will be able to track things from the error message.

When the following record is fed to bbl2bib:


\bibitem{RS}  S. Rohde, O. Schramm (2005). Basic properties of $SLE$, Annals of
Math. {\bf 161},  883--924.

\bibitem {SD}
H. Saleur and B. Duplantier (1987).  Exact determination of the percolation hull exponent in 2d, Phys. Rev.
Lett. {\bf 58}, 2325–-2328

% \bibitem{MDM} S.S. Manna, D. Dhar, S. Majumdar (1992). Spanning
% trees in two dimensions, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 46}, R4471(R).
%% \bibitem{Marchal} P. Marchal (2000).
%  Loop-Erased Random Walks, Spanning Trees and Hamiltonian Cycles
%  {\bf 5}, paper no, 4, 39--50.

% \bibitem{Pemantle}  R. Pemantle (1991). Choosing a spanning tree
% for the integer lattice uniformly, Ann. Probab. {\bf 19}, 1559--1574.

% \bibitem{Cortona} M. Picadello and W. Weiss, ed., (1999).
% {\em Random Walks and Discrete Potential Theory}, conference
% proceedings from Cortona 1997, Cambridge U. Press.


sometime it comes back with the error:

Can't locate object method "editors" via package "BibTeX::Parser::Entry" at /usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/scripts/bibtexperllibs/BibTeX/Parser/ line 237.
borisveytsman commented 6 years ago

Looks like a problem with mathscinet is solved.