Would be great if you could issue an assertion like ok ppa and request that a PPA is added to /etc/apt/sources.list (or possibly /etc/apt/sources.list.d/) on Debian-flavoured systems. Need to identify the best way of doing this.
#! /bin/sh
# listppa Script to get all the PPA installed on a system ready to share for reininstall
for APT in `find /etc/apt/ -name \*.list`; do
grep -o "^deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/[a-z0-9\-]\+/[a-z0-9\-]\+" $APT | while read ENTRY ; do
USER=`echo $ENTRY | cut -d/ -f4`
PPA=`echo $ENTRY | cut -d/ -f5`
echo sudo apt-add-repository ppa:$USER/$PPA
Would be great if you could issue an assertion like
ok ppa
and request that a PPA is added to/etc/apt/sources.list
(or possibly/etc/apt/sources.list.d/
) on Debian-flavoured systems. Need to identify the best way of doing this.This little snippet from this post on AskUbuntu could be useful: