borntofrappe / game-development

Repository for an aspiring game developer, starting from CS50's Intro to Game Development and creating interactive demos. Lots and lots of demos.
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Mazes #92

Closed borntofrappe closed 3 years ago

borntofrappe commented 3 years ago

Explore different algorithms to create mazes, starting from the book "Mazes for Programmers"

borntofrappe commented 3 years ago

This project is mostly to learn about different algorithms, but the potential for a game is there. For the first two demos, for instance, I've decided to include a circle representing the player, and have its position constrained by the surrounding gates (see screen capture below).

Mazes update 0

borntofrappe commented 3 years ago

Update: (with a different color palette) I created two additional demos. One explores a simplified version of Dijkstra's algorithm, in order to map the distance between a selected cell and any other point in the grid; one implments the Aldus-Broder algorithm.

Props for using the Timer utility developed for the Petri dish folder. Staggering the progress of the two algorithms works to illustrate how both work.

Mazes Update 2

borntofrappe commented 3 years ago

Up next, three more algorithms

Based on these demos I might develop a basic game where you are tasked to move from point to point in a given number of steps.

borntofrappe commented 3 years ago

Finished the algorithms introduced in the first part of the quoted book. The issue can be closed with this update, but I might develop a small game starting from these foundations.

Mazes Update 3