Closed cleverboy32 closed 5 years ago
import postcss from 'postcss'; import Import from 'postcss-import'; import Url from 'postcss-url'; import saladcssBem from 'saladcss-bem'; import Mixins from 'postcss-mixins'; import Nested from 'postcss-nested'; import Nesting from 'postcss-nesting'; import AdvancedVariables from 'postcss-advanced-variables'; import PropertyLookup from 'postcss-property-lookup'; import CssReset from 'postcss-css-reset'; import Shape from 'postcss-shape'; import Utils from 'postcss-utils'; import Extend from 'postcss-extend'; import CustomProperties from 'postcss-custom-properties'; import Calc from 'postcss-calc'; import Autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer'; import Assets from 'postcss-assets'; // let Assets be funtion function assets (options) { return () => Assets(options); } // plugin chain const plugins = [ Import, Url, saladcssBem, Mixins, Nested, Nesting, AdvancedVariables, PropertyLookup, CssReset, Shape, Utils, Extend, CustomProperties, Calc, Autoprefixer, assets ]; const optKey = new Array(16); optKey[0] = 'import'; optKey[2] = 'bem'; optKey[12] = 'customProperties'; optKey[14] = 'autoprefixer'; optKey[15] = 'assets'; export default postcss.plugin('postcss-ui-theme', rawopts => { const opts = Object.assign({ autoprefixer: { browsers: ['ie > 8', 'last 2 versions'] }, assets: { basePath: './', relative: true } }, rawopts); // initialize all plugins const initializedPlugins = (plugin, i) => plugin(opts[optKey[i]] || {}) ); return (root, result) => initializedPlugins.reduce( (promise, plugin) => { return promise.then(() => plugin(result.root, result)); }, Promise.resolve()); });
the resolve is not to transform be url
found that Assets(options) return Processor, not a function, and use
return plugin.process(result.root, result);
can work
is not to transform be url