boskokg / flutter_blue_plus

Flutter plugin for connecting and communicationg with Bluetooth Low Energy devices, on Android and iOS
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[Help]: about 'another scan already in progress' #513

Closed ringonotts closed 10 months ago

ringonotts commented 10 months ago

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I am migrating my application from flutter_blue and have the following code for scanning:

            .scan(timeout: const Duration(seconds: 5), androidUsesFineLocation: false)
                .listen((scanResult) {
      // do something with scan result
      _scanListenHandler(scanResult, id);
    }).onDone(() async {
      _isScanning = false;
      await FlutterBluePlus.stopScan();
      setState(() {});
      if (!_isAdding) {
        myUtils.toast("No Sensors detected");

I perform the scan and am getting an exception 'another scan already in progress' from flutter_blue_plus.dart line 148.

When i set a breakpoint on line 146 I can see I hit this scan() method twice. The first time I hit the method _isScanning.value == false, and there is a call stack to where i called the scan function. The second time I hit the breakpoint (note _scanListenHandler() has not been called) _isScanning.value == true and there is no call stack - just a "asyncronous gap". Obviously it's this second call to scan() causing the exception.

Why is the scan() method called twice ? Am i calling it correctly ? Note I need to know when the scan is complete so i can stop the circular progress indicator in my app (hence not using startScan()).

Thanks in advance, Ringo


I/orthings.batmon(22261): Compiler allocated 4413KB to compile void android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals()
D/CompatibilityChangeReporter(22261): Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10263; state: ENABLED
I/FirebaseApp(22261): Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT]
D/CompatibilityChangeReporter(22261): Compat change id reported: 78294732; UID 10263; state: ENABLED
I/flutter (22261): PermissionStatus.granted
D/[FBP-Android](22261): [FBP-Android] onMethodCall: setLogLevel
D/[FBP-Android](22261): [FBP-Android] initializing BluetoothAdapter
D/[FBP-Android](22261): [FBP-Android] onMethodCall: getAdapterState
D/[FBP-Android](22261): [FBP-Android] onMethodCall: setLogLevel
D/[FBP-Android](22261): [FBP-Android] onMethodCall: startScan
D/BluetoothAdapter(22261): isLeEnabled(): ON
D/BluetoothLeScanner(22261): onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=4 mScannerId=0
chipweinberger commented 10 months ago

I don't think I can answer this for you with the code given.

But you can check FlutterBluePlus.isScanningNow to make sure you do not call it twice.

ringonotts commented 10 months ago

Thanks Chip for getting back to me. Actually you were a great help!