boskokg / flutter_blue_plus

Flutter plugin for connecting and communicationg with Bluetooth Low Energy devices, on Android and iOS
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[Help]: Can't print even when char write is true #865

Closed shayant98 closed 2 months ago

shayant98 commented 2 months ago


Have you checked this problem on the example app?


FlutterBluePlus Version


Flutter Version


What OS?


OS Version


Bluetooth Module

Zebra ZD621

What is your problem?

tried printing but keep getting

FlutterBluePlusException | writeCharacteristic | android-code: 3 | GATT_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED

I hope someone can help me


I/flutter (29906):  Printer2Service | sendZPLCommands - Service: BluetoothService{remoteId: 00:07:4D:E4:DD:E2, serviceUuid: 1800, isPrimary: true, characteristics: [BluetoothCharacteristic{remoteId: 00:07:4D:E4:DD:E2, serviceUuid: 1800, secondaryServiceUuid: null, characteristicUuid: 2a00, descriptors: [], properties: CharacteristicProperties{broadcast: false, read: true, writeWithoutResponse: false, write: true, notify: false, indicate: false, authenticatedSignedWrites: false, extendedProperties: false, notifyEncryptionRequired: false, indicateEncryptionRequired: false}, value: []}, BluetoothCharacteristic{remoteId: 00:07:4D:E4:DD:E2, serviceUuid: 1800, secondaryServiceUuid: null, characteristicUuid: 2a01, descriptors: [], properties: CharacteristicProperties{broadcast: false, read: true, writeWithoutRespon
I/flutter (29906): se: false, write: true, notify: false, indicate: false, authenticatedSignedWrites: false, extendedProperties: false, notifyEncryptionRequired: false, indicateEncryptionRequired: false}, value: []}, BluetoothCharacteristic{remoteId: 00:07:4D:E4:DD:E2, serviceUuid: 1800, secondaryServiceUuid: null, characteristicUuid: 2a04, descriptors: [], properties: CharacteristicProperties{broadcast: false, read: true, writeWithoutResponse: false, write: false, notify: false, indicate: false, authenticatedSignedWrites: false, extendedProperties: false, notifyEncryptionRequired: false, indicateEncryptionRequired: false}, value: []}, BluetoothCharacteristic{remoteId: 00:07:4D:E4:DD:E2, serviceUuid: 1800, secondaryServiceUuid: null, characteristicUuid: 2aa6, descriptors: [], properties: CharacteristicProper
I/flutter (29906): ties{broadcast: false, read: true, writeWithoutResponse: false, write: false, notify: false, indicate: false, authenticatedSignedWrites: false, extendedProperties: false, notifyEncryptionRequired: false, indicateEncryptionRequired: false}, value: []}], includedServices: []}
D/[FBP-Android](29906): [FBP] onMethodCall: writeCharacteristic
E/[FBP-Android](29906): [FBP] onCharacteristicWrite:
E/[FBP-Android](29906): [FBP]   chr: 2a00
E/[FBP-Android](29906): [FBP]   status: GATT_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED (3)
E/flutter (29906): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: FlutterBluePlusException | writeCharacteristic | android-code: 3 | GATT_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED
E/flutter (29906): #0      BluetoothCharacteristic.write (package:flutter_blue_plus/src/bluetooth_characteristic.dart:216:9)
E/flutter (29906): <asynchronous suspension>
E/flutter (29906): #1      Printer2Service.sendZPLCommands (package:wms/services/printer2_service.dart:54:11)
E/flutter (29906): <asynchronous suspension>
E/flutter (29906): 
chipweinberger commented 2 months ago

this error code is returned by your ble device, not FBP. there is nothing we can do. is not a guarantee. it's reported by the device and the device can lie.