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wsexInnuendoNPCsSlaveDialoguePatch.esp #54

Open boss-robot opened 10 years ago

boss-robot commented 10 years ago

Name: Art of Seduction Version: 4.0 WIP Author: tiger8u2 Date: 060112 Date Updated: 100613

REQUIREMENT - FNV SI. Please don\'t ask for a version without it.

Non-Vanilla NPC\'s - The Initial Orientation of mod added NPC\'s will be established randomly when you speak to them using AOS dialogue. IF you want them to have a specific orientation you will need to find out what the mod index of AOS is, find out what the faction base ID is and then open the console, click on the NPC and type SETFACTIONRANK XXXXXXXX 0 . (The orientation faction base ID\'s are listed below.)

Warning: This is an ADULT mod, designed for ADULTS with ADULT themes and no on under the age of 18 should be permitted to download or use it. This mod is for ROLEPLAYERS to allow them to enjoy dialogue that explores and enhances the \"relationship\" with an NPC.

Till now, mods based upon the FNV Sexual Innuendo wsexQuest and even Animated Prostitution have not taken the sexual orientation of an NPC or the player into consideration when determining sexual opportunity.

You can basically go around the Mojave and bang anyone, no matter what sex your Player Character is or what the demonstrated sexual orientation of the NPC is. (i.e. Craig Boone is Straight, Arcade Gannon is Gay, Veronica is Lesbian, Rose of Sharon Cassidy is probably Bisexual, etc., etc., etc.)

They also don\'t take into consideration the \"MODESTY\' of the NPC. An NPC with LOW aggression and LOW confidence is probably NOT going to just drop their pants in public.

THIS mod aims to give roleplaying players the chance to SEDUCE NPC\'s over time while they communicate with the NPC\'s about feelings, give gifts, give aid, recieve gifts, recieve aid, and complete quests.

It also takes into consideration an NPC\'s aggression & confidence when determining whether they will have sex with the Player when asked OR whether they will DEMAND to be married first or at least go someplace more private.

As you can imagine, an NPC with LOW aggression and LOW confidence would probably WANT the assurance of an engagement ring or marriage license before sharing their most PRIVATE and PERSONAL favors.

Here is what I\'ve been working on and what is Complete or a Work in Progress:

(Complete) Implements dialogue whereby the player \"seduces\" NPC\'s based upon disposition and Player/NPC sexual orientation. IF someone LOVES can try to \"Take it 2 the Next Level.\" Your success will be determined by the PC\'s sexual orientation and the NPC\'s sexual orientation tied to their aggression and confidence levels.

The sexual orientations implemented in this mod are:

ASexual - (XX0049BB) - Abstinent - will initially have sex with NOBODY. IF you choose to be abstinent at first...and have sex - your sexual orientation WILL change. Bisexual - (XX0049B9) - Will have sex with males or females and thier orientation seldom changes. Gay/Lesbian - (XX0049BA) - Gay Males won\'t have sex with females & Gay Females/Lesbians won\'t have sex with Males. IF a Gay male has sex with a female their sexual orientation WILL change to Bisexual. IF a Gay Female/Lesbian has sex with a male their sexual orientation WILL change to Bisexual. Straight - (XX0049B8) - Straight Males won\'t have sex with Asexual, Bisexual, Gay or Straight Males. IF they do their sexual orientation WILL change to Bisexual. Straight Females won\'t have sex with ASexual, Bisexual, Gay or Straight Females. IF they do, their sexual orientation WILL change to Bisexual.

Besides a number of NPC\'s I\'ve PREDefined to make this more believable - the sexual orientation of NPC\'s is RANDOMLY determined during dialogue.

FYI - The scripting DOES take the prostitute class into consideration and will assign the bisexual faction to NPC\'s of that class.

Unfortunately, in order to implement this efficiently, using \"setfactionrank\" during dialogue I am adding factions to the BASE record of an NPC. SO....IF the BASE record of an NPC is part of a leveled list then every instance of that BASE record will be affected after initial contact with ONE of the spawns from the Base Object.

I don\'t recommend chatting up the wandering NPC\'s on the strip. They get destroyed and respawned any time they pass through the gates or enter one of the clubs.

IF you have a suggestion as to implementing the initial proper sexual orientation for an NPC please let me know.

(Complete) Implements dialogue whereby the player can take NPC\'s to Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner & have a Romantic Picnic in the wilds.

(Complete) Implements dialogue whereby the player can MARRY any number of NPC\'s.

(Complete) Implements dialogue whereby the player can have any number of lovers if not married.

(Work in Progress) Implements dialogue whereby the player must get a \"Kitchen Pass\" before they can try to make love to anyone but their husband/husbands or wife/wives once married if not already a lover.

(Partially Implemented) Changes to Player & NPC sexual orientation based upon sexual activity.

(Work in Progress) Implements dialogue whereby the player can overcome \"holdouts\" who refuse to have sexual relations initially.

(Work in Progress) Scripting changes to Player/NPC sexual orientation based upon wsexQuest results (Bad/OK/Good/Great).


FNV Sexual Innuendo w/Hotfix H007-2

Smalltalk by Kaeser


Make sure you are on a reasonably level area before trying to have a picnic. If not, the handy seating arrangement might get placed into the game geometry and become unusable.

During breakfast/lunch/dinner or picnic the PC refuses to stay sitting during dialogue. I\'ve tried restraining the PC but I haven\'t figured out yet how to keep the PC sitting yet. If anyone has a fix for that I\'d love to hear it.

Don\'t drop engagement/wedding rings. They don\'t have a ground model. (Actually they are quest items - which is NOT going to work. Fixing that now.

TIP - If you get denied and the NPC won\'t speak to you anymore because they are FLEE mode, just go talk to anyone else and ask if they are hungry. This will reset the variables controlling the FLEE package. Leaving the cell the NPC is in and returning also resets their AI.

If the wsexQuest sextype is 4 - it messes with the animations start. Working to fix it now.

NPC\'s can have their weapons sticking out of their bodies during animations. Put them in Sandbox mode beforehand or take their weapons away for a bit before letting them sex themselves up.

Recommend you take the NPC\'s you want to watch have sex to a secluded spot. In other words, there should only be the three of you either in an interior or somewhere away from other NPC\'s. If not, the NPC you found the fun for may just walk up to someone else and the script will get messy.

Not ALL Securitrons will have the Marriage License/Wedding Dialogue. The ones outside The Strip don\'t seem to belong to the same \"dialogue\" faction as the ones inside. IF you get no joy from a Securitron try another till you find the one that has the dialogue. Surprisingly enough, the ones nearby the NCR Ambassador DO have the dialogue so go figure.


4.0 - Fixed a long standing condition error which kept certain Dinner dialogue from ever showing up. (Go get some formal wear and take your date to the Ultraluxe finally!) 3.9 - Fixed Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner stages to properly reset variables. 3.8 - Fixed Picnic dialogue to preclude quest reset issues. WIP 3.7 - Fixed missing picnic pad mesh. Looking into waitress issues. 3.6.9 - Added player marriage information to book at the Chapel of Love per request. 3.6.8 - Removed some test AI packages from the Weatherly family. 3.6.7 - Drowchyld777 suggested adding alcohol & chems as gifts to NPC\'s. Added dialogue to implement part of that suggestion at this time. 3.6.6 - Added a missing Securitron dialogue faction to the marriage quest. Tried to eliminate all unnecessary dialogue from showing up on creatures.
3.6.5 - Fixed Securitron Marriage dialogue hopefully 3.6.4 - Fixed some sex scripts that could cause bad animations. 3.6.3 - Kreutz had ideas about making marrying certain NPC\'s a bit harder. I implemented his ideas on Veronica as a test. Somebody please run out and try to marry her. 3.6.2 - \"Can we cut to the chase\" dialogue fixed. Fiends Marriage Quest is finished. 3.6.1 - Kainschilde209 had some ideas and I ran with them. 3.6 - Fixed some gift giving conditions to prevent giving a legion ear to an NPC when the player didn\'t have one. Thanks Ozlander! 3.5 - Fixed a marriage variable to apply to all marriages which made the wedding ring script WORK no matter which faction it was used for. Edited Joanna\'s Dialogue to allow topics to show.
3.4 - Added Boomer Marriage Quest. Removed Fiends from normal marriage quest. 3.3 - BOS & Legion Marriage quests got broke when I \"FIXED\" the engagement ring. I had to fix that and rework the BOS Marriage dialogue. Apprentice Watkins and I successfully tied the know so I know it works now. Also added a fallback BOS NPC and dialogue in case the player decides to blow up the bunker....although NOT many BOS peeps will like you much after that. 3.2 - Added Prostitute Dialogue Quest. Added a \"working\" prostitute in Gomorrah. Several dialogue fixes to hopefully make Faction Marriage quests work better. Added dialogue for Veronica to reflect marriage status with a male player. 3.1 - Fixed more Marriage Quest issues. Added some Male & Female slaves to the Fort. 3.0 - Updated Swinging dialogue to allow choices of sex acts. 2.9 - Fixed Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Dialogues. Thanks Scorpial! 2.8 - Fixed Love Potion dialogue that was not showing up properly. 2.7 - Fixed Marriage Quest dialogue again where dialogue for wasteland preachers would not show up. Need Joshua Branch Tested more. He works in my game. Please let me know. 2.6 - Fixed Marriage Quest dialogue condition which was preventing proposal dialogue from showing up if NOT a fiance. Fixed engagement ring to HOPEFULLY not place player into the Fiance faction until the right time. (Needs tested.) EDIT - Fixed even more dialogue that depended upon a variable I changed usage of. 2.5 - Fixed Marriage Quest dialogue to show properly and prevent player from buying high priced rings with less caps in their inventory than needed. Added a Marriage Record book to allow players to have their wedding recorded. (Have to IM me the info unfortunately, unless someone can show me how to update a MESSAGE file dynamically.) Added player stat enhancements from reading \"The Book\" passages. 2.4 - Added a BOS Marriage Quest. Added a Chapel of Love. Added Art of Seducton dialogue topics to The Rose of Sharon Cassidy Followers Quest. 2.3 - Fixed wedding dialogue so Legion topics don\'t show. Fixed watching NPC have sex/swinging package. Added the Kings Faction to the Wedding Quest dialogue so that now ANY King in Freeside can sell rings and perform the marriage ceremony. 2.2 - Added missing variable assignment that prevented Take-it-2-Next level dialogue from showing if the NPC had already agreed to sex but wanted to go somewhere private. Added the Gommorah Suites as a suitable private location to take an NPC. Reworked the \"Have Sex With Someone\" while I watch package. Still can glitch for some reason. 2.1 - Fixed the last part of the Legion Marriage Ceremony so that the KISS happens and the quest resets as required. 2.0 - Fixed some stupid errors that kept the Legion Marriage quest from showing up. Fixed misc item that was missing a script. Tried to fix HtM slave dialogue from not showing up but I did more harm than good so I had to scrap that. 1.9 - Scorpial gave me input that made me decide to create a separate Legion Marriage quest. This will make it possible for players who side with the Legion to get married. The quest will work whether Caesar is alive or dead and is the ONLY way to marry legion slaves. 1.8 - Fixed Post Marriage Dialogue where Hold-outs would show up. Fixed Alice Mclafferty\'s Hold-out dialogue. 1.7 - Created a new faction and a way for Husbands/Wives to ask their Husband/Wife for a Swinger\'s Pass. It\'s for when you ask someone who is NOT a Lover, or Fiance, or Spouse, about wanting to watch them have sex, then IF they like you enough, you can TAG them as a Swinging partner. That means you can watch any two NPC\'s you choose having sex. The ability to watch Lover\'s, Fiance\'s & Spouses having sex with each other has not changed. 1.6 - Moved \"Kitchen Pass\" removal to sex results stage and limited it to NPC\'s other than a Spouse or Fiance. Put some \"removescriptpackage\" in sex results to prevent FOLLOWERS from just standing around. Put some resets in where they would work. Changed Engagement dialogue to include a possibility your Fiance breaks off the engagement if you hound her for sex. 1.5 - Fixed \"Cut to the Chase\" dialogue to ensure no access to dialogue until NPC Orientation has been assigned. 1.4 - Fixed linking mistake that was keeping some POST wedding dialogue from displaying. Added a TOPIC that \"Cuts to the Chase\" so to speak.
1.3 - Fixed POST wedding dialogue. Added dialogue whereby you can PICK a lover/wife/husband to have sex with another lover or wife/husband while you watch. 1.2 - Fixed wedding dialogue - I married Veronica so I know it works. One way to get rid of that nasty HOLDOUT faction. Worked on POST marriage lovers dialogue. Still not right. 1.1 - Fixed dialogue related to selling engagement rings/wedding rings. Merchant container scrapped in favor of dialogue. 1.0 - Added dialogue to FIX certain times when wsexQuest tokens get left behind on the player or NPC. This will help with the Katie follower NPC who often gets stuck masturbating herself. .9 - Fixed some dialogue scripts that would make Lesbians straight inadvertently. Realigned the Gay Male overture to Straight Females which would CHANGE the Player\'s orientation to Bisexual. .8 - Broke Hold-out dialogue with last update. Fixed it. .7 - Consolidated dialogue to prevent options appearing for NPC\'S who were NOT faction flagged. Recommend CLEAN install to remove topics. .6 - Fixed dialogue to allow player to UPDATE NPC sexual orientation OR Revert it back to before mod was activated. .5 - Fixed spelling error - added confidence effects to meals and boosted their effects. .4 - Changed quest item status on items that should not have been. Added a free-form Love Potion quest. .3 - Added scripting to ensure all OldAged race NPCs are initially set to Abstinent.
.2 - Hopefully fixed a GETRANDOMPERCENT scripting error.


Unzip the archive and put the Artofseduction.esp and the Data\sound\voice\Artofseduction.esp folder in the Fallout New Vegas\Data folder wherever it happens to be. OVERWRITE all files when asked to but it probably won\'t.

Don\'t forget to activate the esp(s).


Delete the ArtofSeduction.esp and the Data\sound\voice\ArtofSeduction.esp folder in the Fallout New Vegas\Data folder wherever that happens to be.


Any nude body replacer that you like and any SKIMPY armor replacer that you like.

Animated Prostitution - WIP

Companion Share & Recruit - New Vegas

The Fiends and Me by Ladyhawke

Foxy Fiends by ME: tiger8u2!

Love Shacks for Type3 by ME: tiger8u2!


Bethesda Obsidian Admechanicus for the scripting and adult animations Ozlander for Beta Testing fixes Astymma for Scripting advice Pelgar for NPC Orientation advice Nivea for NPC Orientation advice kschang77 for NPC Orientation advice Scorpial for NPC Orientation advice AND the Legion Marriage Quest epiphany. Identified a Dinner Dialogue bug also. Joshp9690 for dialogue bug fixes GigimTalul for the \"Creature Preacher\" bug fix & BOS Marriage alternatives. Kreutz for suggestions about adding conditions for marriage with certain NPC\'s which were implemented. Drowchyld777 for suggesting adding alcohol & chems as gifts to NPC\'s which was implemented.

Tools & Resources Used

Fallout New Vegas Geck

Geck Wiki

Inspiration provided by many talented Modders of Bethesda games.

Disclaimer and Copyright Notice

Use at your own risk. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify the contents of this archive under the \"Customized Game Materials\" related terms and conditions of the EULA.

boss-robot commented 10 years ago