boss-developers / falloutnv

The Fallout: New Vegas masterlist. Unmaintained, use LOOT instead.
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CNR_Beta.esp #77

Open boss-robot opened 10 years ago

boss-robot commented 10 years ago

There is an FAQ here. Please read it to see if your question has been answered.


Version 1.2

Known bug - The arms on the black guy in the foundry look like a white guy's. I'll fix this soon.

Version 1.1 is here!!

Still to come in a future update:

Patch 6

Patch 5

Patch 4

Patch 3

Patch 2

Thank you for checking out Caesar's New Regime! This mod aims to expand and overhaul the Legion into the faction it was meant to be.

This is not just for Legion players though!! Not by any means. If you're an NCR player, or anyone who kills the Legion, this mod aims to give you better targets. You will feel more accomplished after fighting this Legion; I think an important part of establishing a hero character in a video game is overcoming an enemy that seemed unbeatable. If you're a Legion player, I hope this will make you proud. The best thing though would be if you've never done a Legion playthrough and this mod encourages you to do one. Tell me where you stand!

Warning: Achilles uses a single word of profanity.The vanilla game uses profanity much more and much worse so I don't believe it will offend any fans of the game, but I wanted to make you aware.

Please remember to ENDORSE!! Thank you!

Table of Contents

  1. Credits (because these deserve to be first)
  2. Description and Features
  3. Location
  4. Bugs
  5. FAQ
  6. Requirements/Conflicts
  7. Future Plans
  8. Recommended Mods
  9. Permissions

1) Credits (In no order)

If I've forgotten anyone or anything else, I'm very sorry and it was not my intent. Please let me know so I can give proper credit.

I felt it was important to use some of the work of other authors who have worked on the Legion. Because this is a replacer, I do not want it to render their work obsolete. Also, their work helped provide inspiration for this one, so I want to give them a special nod. This is why the base armor of Hedszot's overhaul is the basis of the recruit in CNR, CaesarInvictus' metal armor retexture is the armor worn in the Legion arena, KORs' Knight Hunter armor is the Legion explorer, Tumbajamba's resources were used for the centurions, and TG's Legion helmet is the CNR Prime helmet. This mod wouldn't be what it is without their hard work and the help of all authors listed in the credits.

  1. Description and Features

When I played New Vegas for the first time, I was left with the distinct impression that the Legion should have been much more fierce. I was able to kill Vulpes and his buddies in Nipton the first time I saw them; I was able to march into the Fort and kill everyone; I was able to kill the Legate with a single headshot. All of these things made them seem like quite weak enemies, and that's before you look at their gear!

Let's face it--the Legion just doesn't look tough running around in skirts, football pads, and ugly helmets (with or without the feathers). However, the Legion almost defeated the NCR at the first battle for Hoover Dam, and they've got everyone on the west side of the Colorado scared they'll finish the job the second time. But how? As they are, they're target practice for NCR rangers and snipers. The Legion needed a new look. That's why I created this file.

What this mod does: It replaces all vanilla Legion armors, creates a few new classes, edits some weapon lists, adds a voiced companion--Achilles--in the Legion safehouse, alters the faces of some prominent Legion NPCs, turns some Legion NPCs into mini-bosses (Otho, Alexus, Dead Sea), and adds some extra unique gear. The armors of Aurelius and Silus are now unique, for example.

What this mod does not do: It doesn't add many Legion NPCs and it doesn't account for other mods such as AWOP that introduce new Legion classes.

  1. Location

This is a replacer mod! So everything is spread around. But here are some things to note...

This is just coming out of beta so some bugs may persist. Please report anything you find! Here's what to expect though...

Q: Will this mod conflict with other popular mods like Project Nevada, Lings, or Fallout Redesigned? A: The visor overlays of Project Nevada correspond to the old helmets so there isn't complete consistency in that regard, but there is no real conflict in gameplay. Fallout Redesigned mostly affects other NPCs than the ones changed in this mod. Some have reported difficulty running this mod with Lings though. Flamenx01 has reported that loading CNR after Lings in your load order can fix things. If not, you can PM him for instruction on another way to resolve Lings compatibility issues.

Q: Is that a behemoth in the main picture? A: Yes it sure is. He is found caged in the Legion underground. Hopefully when this mod moves to 1.0, he will be found storming the Dam at the Second Battle for Hoover Dam.

Q: Will this mod conflict with your Legion Power Armor mod? A: There were two parts to that mod. The first is that of the Legion Power Armor itself. I didn't touch that. It's still in the same unmoved crate in the safehouse, even though everything else has moved around it. For the small replacer files in the Legion Power Armor, yes, this mod should negate those changes in favor of the new and improved CNR armors. I suggest just not using that esp at all.

Q: Will you do other factions too? A: Short answer--No.

Longer answer--Part of the reason this file exists is that the Legion was sorely neglected in the vanilla game's development (no disrespect to Obsidian because New Vegas is by far my favorite game of all time) and in the mods that have been created to this point. I believe ADAM and NCR Rearmament are great mods that do a very nice job overhauling the NCR. I recommend them! As for the other factions, the BoS has many mods already; Mr. House doesn't need an overhaul (though the securitrons could look cooler, I admit), and the rest of the factions are just fine too. Sure, the Boomers and Khans might look better with a nice overhaul, but I don't think their factions have enough depth to warrant the time this overhaul took.

Q: What are you going to work on next? A: I'm helping with Project Brazil.

Q: Don't you know the Legion is a bunch of brainless tribal savages who could have never made the armors you gave them? This mod is very anti-lore! A: That may or may not be true. First and foremost, New Vegas and all Fallout lore is fictional. If you want to find a way to reconcile things in your mind, or if you want to find conflict, you will be able to do so.

On that note, it should be pointed out that the vanilla lore is internally inconsistent. Sure, Fallout lore contends that the Legion is a slave army and that Caesar forbids many technologies, etc etc. But Fallout lore also contends that the Legion are fierce, dangerous, numerous, organized, and a grave threat to the NCR and Mr. House. None of these things seem especially true in the vanilla game.

Also, consider these facts: The Legion safehouse contains a sniper rifle, displacer glove, and Atticus never runs out of stealth boys; Legionaires at the Dam War are equipped with super sledges, marskman carbines, and anti-materiel rifles; in the Fort, the praetorians are equipped with ballistic fists and Caesar has a power helmet in his personal footlocker. Does all this make sense with a faction that is wholly anti-tech?

In a sense, you can pick which Legion you want to see in your game: Tribal sniper fodder with repurposed sports gear, skirts, and spears or a hardened group of soldiers ready to fix their mistakes from the first Battle at Hoover Dam.

Q: Love the new armours! Can you remove the faction status script? A: Already done! It is worth noting that the faction status scripts have instead been applied to the helmets and removed from the armours. This always made more sense to me. If you've got a reputation with a certain faction, the only way they're going to mistake you for a member of another faction is if they can't see your face!

Q: Will you add quests? A: I'd really, really like to. I have to learn how first though :) If you're a modder who can create quests and want to work with me in this area, please PM me.

Q: Why is the vendor in the Underground based on the Resident Evil 4 merchant? A: When it comes to a Legion vendor, it seems there should be no one to sell Legion armor. That gear would be issued only and unavailable for purchase. The Legion would just take whatever someone else would buy with caps anyway.

So, rather than another dull Dale Barton, I picked a favorite character of mine from another one of my favorite games. The RE4 merchant could always find a way to get to you in that game, so what's stopping him from finding the Courier (other than a few hundred years)? This serves no real lore purpose, but it's not as if it's exactly anti-lore either. This decision was really just a personal touch of mine because I like the character.

  1. Requirements/ Conflicts

This files requires you to own Dead Money, Honest Hearts, and Lonesome Road. If you don't have these, activate the CNR_BetaNODLC.esp instead of the other.

Also, for the male bodies, you will need Breeze's male body replacer. It's worth the download if you don't have it already. If you don't use it, the exposed portions of skin on the explorer and juggernauts will look funky. I'm looking into patches for those of you who uses Roberts or vanilla bodies.

This mod will conflict with some other mods that alter NPCs such as Lings. Just make sure to adjust your load order properly and use FNVedit to make a merged patch if necessary.

  1. Future Plans

I want to get this file out of the beta stage. I will consider that done when the following things have happened:

Then, in future updates, I would like to expand the Fort, edit the Dam Battle, and add another companion--a modified mongrel. Perhaps I can create a few more unique centurion armors and create a special class and armor for the Legion assassins that come after you when you're vilified by the Legion.

  1. Recommended Mods
    • ADAM: Best NCR overhaul available
    • NCR Rearmament: Install before ADAM so that this file overwrites vanilla files, then ADAM can overwrite anything from here.
    • Fort Meridius: A great Legion camp near Vault 19. This may be incorporated into CNR. The author is helping with the Legion Underground.
    • Legion Power Armor=: My first mod and still the most endorsed Legion-themed mod on the nexus. Don't bother with the replacer esp though.
  2. Permissions

Any original work I've done is free to use. However, you cannot use the models for the recruit helmet, Otho's helmet, the spartan helmet used for Dead Sea and Severus, or the Elite helmet. These are models that I purchased. I own the right to share them here, however, you do not own the right to redistribute them. I also don't have the right to grant you permission to use them, so don't bother asking.

The rest of the mods I utilized resources from were all posted with open permissions. So just let the authors know you appreciate their work.

boss-robot commented 10 years ago

boss-robot commented 10 years ago

boss-robot commented 10 years ago

boss-robot commented 10 years ago

<C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data>

boss-robot commented 9 years ago

Goes last