Open boss-robot opened 10 years ago
News (10/06/2014)
Versions 2.0 is out. In my mod's previous version I discovered an issue that reverted back the female housecarl and severals female NPC to the male animation. This issue has been fixed in the new version, I also merged my two esp into one for better optimization, For people updating from the previous version just delete "No More Sexy Older Women" and "No More Sexy Children" and install the new version. The Compatibility patch for Inhabitants of Skyrim - NPC Overhaul had also been remade, please delete the previous version and install the new one. For best result it's recommended to start a fresh game.
The USKP is now Required for ALL Files.
In the game both female elder NPC and female children are flagged to use vanilla female animation ( nothing wrong with that). However once users decide to change vanilla female's animation in a more... "sexy" one, then female elder's NPC and female children's animation are changed too, making some... disturbing scene.
What my mod's do is forcing both female elder et female children in using the male animation instead of the female one. If you don't like seeing them walking like gorilla you could always use this mod No heavy muscular walk and idle by Scot
This mod make direct edit to the NPC, meaning that any mod that make edit to the same NPC will conflict with this mod (editing Head/Hair/Outfit/AI/etc... will cause conflict). Textures are fine as it doesn't edit any NPC record.
An example will be better. If you use let's say Inhabitants of Skyrim - NPC Overhaul by Rops1981 (which I use by the way :) that edit several elder npc face gen, if you load my mod first then his mod will overwrite the change made by my mod to the same npc and make it useless. However if you load his mod first and mine after than you'll get the famous head discoloration bug. The only way to avoid this, is to make a compatibility patch which I made for Inhabitant of Skyrim at least. If you need other Compatibility patch, send a request, I'll look into it.
For better result it's recommended to use this mod with a fresh game as once you meet a NPC then it's gender animation is stuck in your savegame without any way to change it, unfortunately there's no way to fix this.
(10/06/2014) - Version 2.0 is out (09/06/2014) - As per request uploaded a NO DLC version of "No More Sexy Animation for Chilren" (08/06/2014) - Uploaded a Compatibility Patch for Inhabitants of Skyrim - NPC Overhaul For "No More Sexy Animation for Elder Women" (08/06/2014) - As per request uploaded a NO Dragonborn versions of "No More Sexy Animation for Children" (08/06/2014) - Initial Release
Rops1981 with Inhabitants of Skyrim - NPC Overhaul for allowing me to upload a compatibility Patch for both our mods.
fore for pointing out mistakes I made and reminding me the issue with gender swapping animation.