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Burning Skies.esp #1294

Open boss-robot opened 10 years ago

boss-robot commented 10 years ago

Fan made update to Flyable Dragon Races 3 - BURNING SKIES by ElSte17. Adds MCM support

boss-robot commented 10 years ago

boss-robot commented 10 years ago

boss-robot commented 10 years ago

boss-robot commented 10 years ago

boss-robot commented 10 years ago

Это мод позволит вам превратится в любого дракона!При помощи заклинания вы сможете летать над просторами Скайрима!

boss-robot commented 9 years ago|4|2

boss-robot commented 9 years ago

boss-robot commented 9 years ago

Описание: Это мод позволит вам превратится в любого дракона!При помощи заклинания вы сможете летать над просторами Скайрима!

boss-robot commented 9 years ago

boss-robot commented 9 years ago

Are you ready to see the world as only a dovah can? Gain the power to transform into a dragon, raid villages, snack on bandits and fly around Skyrim!

Customize your experience with the MCM menu from SkyUI:

Become any species of dragon from the game, including DLC added dragons.
Set dragon faction relations: become friends with them or continue being their worst enemy.
Map controls to your personal preference.
Set killmove chance, enable headtracking and more.

If you installed any of the following mods:

Jills of Akatosh

Any dragons added from these mods you can transform into!

boss-robot commented 9 years ago

Burning Skies - Flyable Dragon Races 3 by ElSte17 and UbuntuFreakDragon (on Nexus)

boss-robot commented 9 years ago



boss-robot commented 9 years ago

Forsworn and seven years ago, Alduin brought forth on this world a new era, conceived in hunger, dedicated to the dragons' right to rule the world.

boss-robot commented 9 years ago

boss-robot commented 9 years ago