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FNIS_PCEA2.esp #4945

Open boss-robot opened 8 years ago

boss-robot commented 8 years ago

...................................................................................................FNIS PCEA2 at 11.50

But unlike its pre-decessor PCEA, FNIS PCEA2 allows you to:

select your custom animations DURING THE GAME via MCM
distribute your animations into up to 10 different subfolders which can be freely combined
use this functionality without a custom race for the player

And, to make things most easy for the user, FNIS PCEA2 already comes with a selection of replacers:

New Animation Pack by xp32
Immersive Animations by Bergzore
YY Anim Replacer - Mystic Knight by yukl
YY Anim Replacer - Zweihander by yukl
Oriental Swordsmanship animation of East Asia by cyh0405
Magiska - Spell Casting Animations by Feuertin
Jump animations by Davjes
Pretty Female Idles by dualsun (1 animation)

Many thanks to the authors of these great animations for sharing them with the community, and for giving permission to upload them whith this mod.

These included animation replacers allow you to start FNIS PCEA2 right out of the box.

Note 1: FNIS does "only" support 537 animations this way. Which is only about one third of all animations for character. The reason: system limitations. Animations like ritual spell, staffmagic, sitting, horse riding, killmoves, and crossbow are purposely ommitted in the interest of ALL users. You don't need to ask me. I will not add them in a later release of FNIS.

Note 2: there are a few additional folders which end with "_EquipOnly". These files are part of the included animation replacers. They are separated however in order to not conflict with the equip animations set by XPMSE/Racemenu. If you don't use XPMSE or another mod changing equip animations using FNIS Alternate Animations, you can move these files back to their original folder.

Recent Change(s)

2015/12/16 FNIS PCEA2 1.3 Changes:

Updated the pre-installed Magiska - Spell Casting Animations by Feuertin to version 1.1 (Option B). This fixes an animation lock after switching spells.
Added an internal event for synchronization with mods like XPMSE



FNIS V6.0 (or newer)

Installation and Usage

It's really easy:

Install the required mods/tools as usual: SKSE, SkyUI, FNIS 6.0 and above
Install FNIS PCEA2 manual, or with NMM or MO
Run FNIS (GenerateFNISforUsers.exe)
Start Skyrim
Go to the MCM Mod Configuration and select the Animation Folder(s) you want

You see how easy it is? Now define your own selections. See "Create your own animation collections".

Configuration Options (SKYUI MCM)

Refresh PCEA animationsa NOW: When FNIS PCEA2 is in competition with other mods which use the same FNIS functionality maybe improperly, things might get messed up over the time. Activating this option will refresh all animation variables according your folder selection at the time you have entered the MCM menu. Note: you can call this option once every time you have opened your MCM menu.
Available Animation Collections: These are up to 10 of your collections which you have defined as described above. The first (most upper) collection has lowest priority, and adds its animation groups first. The following collections define their animations on top of that, overruling possibly defined groups from the upper collections. See "FNIS Background" for details.

Create your own animation collections

Of course you don't need to stick with the included animation replacers. You can have up to 10 different folders which contain your different animation sets.

Only 10, when FNIS PCEA2 already comes with 8? This is a deliberate limitation with PCEA 2. FNIS Alternate Animations (AA, the FNIS base technology) adds a considerable load to your installation. Not only for the animations and the modified behavior files, but also for the data needed to support file pre-caching in order to avoid intermittent t-pose situations. Remove pre-installed animation folders if you don't want them, or female animations when you play male. And DO NOT just dump any set of animations you find somewhere on the net and expect your system not being impacted.

All subfolder names start with a digit "0" to "9", followed by an optional underscore "_":

0 to 9 denote the priority. 0 is lowest, usually taken for the big animation packs. 9 is highest, for the specialized animations
"_" (as 2nd character) indicate default folders which are automatically selected when you have modified your subfolder names or their structures (not necessarily when you add single files inside)

When you create your own new PCEA2 subfolders keep the following in mind:

If a subfolder name does NOT start with a digit "0" to "9" then it will be disregarded. Like the subfolders "X0_xp32_New_Anim_Pack_EquipOnly" which is part of the PCEA2 upload. It contains animations for said animation pack, but they will NOT be used by PCEA2 (unless you change that).
You can have several subfolders starting with the same digit. It's sometimes easier than renaming all your folders in case you replace just one.
Put your animation files into the FNIS_PCEA2 subfolders only, never try to change files in the root FNIS_PCEA2 folder itself! The FNIS generator will copy your files under different names into FNIS_PCEA2. And it will adjust the Skyrim behavior files accordingly. Removing files there will result in the well-known t-pose.

FNIS mods First Aid Instructions for Mod Organizer users

MO is a very intelligent and helpful mod manager, and makes many things so easy. But it also includes some traps that are very nasty. FNIS has a lot of error and warnning checks, right? But due to the structure of MO, FNIS is rather helpless against these pit-falls. So if you experience unexplainable usage problems with FNIS mods under Mod Organizer, then check and do the following steps.

Remove the following files and folders (necessary only once)

meshes/animation_.txt meshes/actors/character/behaviors meshes/actors/character/animations/_FNIS* (folders) scripts/FNIS.pex (Explanation: these remnant files are from the time when you used NMM or manual install. In case you make make a mistake using FNIS under MO, they can make you believe that everything is in shape and render FNIS checks useless)

In the left MO pane, have you unticked the FNIS Overwrite mod before running FNIS?
You didn't forget to run FNIS, did you? :)
Have you taken care of ALL warnings and especially ERRORS in the FNIS generator window?
After FNIS generation, did you create an FNIS Overwrite mod (called "FNIS Output", for example)
PCEA2: did you check meshes/actors/character/animations/FNIS_PCEA2/PCEA2_Overview.txt to see what is actually included?
Did you tick "FNIS Output" in the left pane before starting "SKSE"?
When the game starts, you didn't get any error message boxes which you simply clicked off?
If you have run your current save already with an older version of the FNIS mod: did you make a clean(ed) save? Especially when the old version has had issues.

If made all this, and you still have (strange) issues

Post your problem in the FNIS POSTS thread (I will NOT help by pm)
Add the text of the generator output to your report
And PLEASE: make a PRECISE description of your problem, including an example I can try to reproduce. I can get very nasty on posts like "My animations don't work. Is there a fix?"

FNIS Background

FNIS 6.0 and above provides an ALTERNATE ANIMATION (AA) functionality, which allows modders to DYNAMICALLY replace standard animations by an "arbitrary number of custom ones. Currently there are 537 animations which can be replaced. They range from the mt_idle.hkx, over sheathed and unsheathed movement and sprint, equip and attack, to magic and more. Basically most animations which cannot be defined by FNIS otherwise (like idles, furniture, paired, and killmove), or which don't seem very needed (e.g. riding and crossbow).

But due to the sheer amount of animations, it is not possible to change all animations independently. You always change the animations per group. Group sizes range from 1 (mt_idle) to 44 (1hm attack). The change of one group is controlled by one Animation Variable, which can be set with FNIS functions. If a mod provides only some animations for one group, FNIS will use the vanilla animations in place of the missing ones.

As a result, FNIS PCEA2 will not merge different folders. For example, Immersive Animations defines (almost) all 1hm attack animations, Mystic Knight only the 1hm_attackright.hkx. If you select both animation folders, and keep the higher priority for Mystic Knight, then this will only activate 1hm_attackright. The other 1hm attack animations will be the vanilla ones, despite the fact that you have also chosen Immersive Animations. If you don't like that, then you have to fill up your folders appropriately. The files GenerateFNIS_for_Users/Alternate_AnimationGroups.txt and Animations/FNIS_PCEA2/PCEA2_Overview.txt will give you the necessary information.

Re-define animation events (triggers) - Warning: modder level experience required!

Skyrim behaviors use numerous animation events to control the use of animations, and interact with the engine. For example to indicate the hit moment during combat, or the moment a weapon is sheathed or unsheathed. Or when the foot sound is played. Or, or, or... It is apparent, that custom animation replacers might require different timing to execute those things. Or add or remove some events, for example when a hovering movement animation doesn't need the foot sound.

Keeep in mind, that it it is possible to send the animevents either from the behavior or from the animation. In order to understand the used anim event, convert the animation files into xml (using hkxcmd), and use CondenseBehavior to read the behavior files (although behavior files are rather complicated and large, it is relatively easy with CondenseBehavior to find the animation files, and understand understand which animevents they send).

Now you can modify the anim events for Alternate Animations in the behavior files. For each Alternate Animation you want to change anim events for, you have to add one command to the mod's animation list. Note that you always REPLACE all anim events for an animation. If you just want to change the time of one anim event, you still have to list ALL anim events.

If you want to change a trigger under PCEA2 you can do this with the following steps:

T .......

Example: The following command is part of the XPMSE animation list. They are necessary due to a "bug" in the unequip animations from the "dagger on the ankles" animations. When moving, the dagger could not be sheathed any more. In this file the animator has moved the anim event weaponSheathe from 0.900 to 0.966667 (in the animation file). However this caused a syc problem with the anim event Unequip_OutMoving, defined at 0.9333 sec in behaviors (-0.4 relative to a 1.33 sec animation). The following fix simply moves Unequip_OutMoving to 1.0 sec (-0.33 relative to 1.33). T xpe3_Dag_Unequip.hkx Unequip_OutMoving -0.333 Unequip_Out -0.00 BeginWeaponSheathe 0.00

If you want to carry this over into one of your subfolders, create a txt file with the above naming convention and add this one line: T Dag_Unequip.hkx Unequip_OutMoving -0.333 Unequip_Out -0.00 BeginWeaponSheathe 0.00

Why did I describe it here, and not report it to the animators? Simply because most animators are not available any more. And you might find animations where a hitsound doesn't fit, the footsteps are off, a weapon is drawn too early, ... If you are a little savvy, you might fix it, and help other users as well. I don't see myself as the onje who has to do all of that.

Mod synchronization (for mod makers only!)

Using the FNIS Alternate Animation functionality can cause much trouble when several mods try to change the same animvars for the player. In order to allow for a basic level of synchronization between the mods, FNIS PCEA2 sends the following mod event whenever it has changed something for the player. XPMSE will read this to react appropriately. It is recommended that all animation mods using FNIS Alternate Animations do the same (for player only).

SendModEvent("FNISaa_AnimVarsSet", "FNIS_PCEA2")

The first parameter is the name of the mod event and fix. The second parameter is the name of the mod (name of the mod'S animation folder, case SENSITIVE)


Uninstall as usual. Manually remove character/animations/FNIS_PCEA2. The remaining files don't hurt, but don't help either.

Known Issues

Animation reset to vanilla after werewolf transformation. Skyrim doesn't revert all data after transformation, in particular the animation variables are reset.

History (major steps)

2015/11/01 V1.0 . . Initial Release 2015/11/05 V1.1 . . Added "Magiska" as pre-installed animation replacer; fixed 2 pre-requisite checking /MCM menu animations 2015/12/01 V1.2 . . Added "Jump animations" as pre-installed animation replacer; added new "T" function to re-define animation triggers; don't initialize during Skyrim intro


My special thanks go to xp32, Bergzore, yukl, cyh0405, dualsun, and Feuertin, who have given permission to include their great animations into this mod.


All animation files include are property by other authors. You have to get their permission if you want to use them for your own purposes. All script are free to use, provided the result is not a mod that uses the name FNIS, or interferes with FNIS PCEA2 in any way.

boss-robot commented 7 years ago

boss-robot commented 7 years ago

boss-robot commented 7 years ago

FNIS PCEA2 (Player Character Exclusive Animations, 2nd generation) allows you to define animations which are dedicated to the player only.

boss-robot commented 7 years ago

FNIS PCEA2 (Player Character Exclusive Animations, 2nd generation) allows you to define animations which are dedicated to the player only.

boss-robot commented 6 years ago

boss-robot commented 6 years ago


boss-robot commented 6 years ago