Equippable pubic hair that adapts to the players hair color!
I got tired of the silly flat pubic hair overlays and body textures, so I looked around for a simple 3D mesh for pubic hair. I threw together the works of DemonHunter, Kris†a™, Nuclearsatan and DorkDiva, adjusted for the 7B bodies, and retextured them. The color range is good in my opinion and matches the hair well. I also added the scripts SydneyB used for the Princess of the Woods armour to set the hair color when equipping the item. The latest version uses biped slot 60.
Choose either 7B or UNP version.
Includes 5 variants: Normal, Bushy, Bushier, Landing Strip and Kempt
To get them, either craft them at a tanning rack, or type "help pubes" and use "player.additem ######## 1"
Equippable pubic hair that adapts to the players hair color!
I got tired of the silly flat pubic hair overlays and body textures, so I looked around for a simple 3D mesh for pubic hair. I threw together the works of DemonHunter, Kris†a™, Nuclearsatan and DorkDiva, adjusted for the 7B bodies, and retextured them. The color range is good in my opinion and matches the hair well. I also added the scripts SydneyB used for the Princess of the Woods armour to set the hair color when equipping the item. The latest version uses biped slot 60.
Choose either 7B or UNP version.
Includes 5 variants: Normal, Bushy, Bushier, Landing Strip and Kempt
To get them, either craft them at a tanning rack, or type "help pubes" and use "player.additem ######## 1"
Please inform me of any issues!!
Requires SKSE v1.6.16 or higher