boston-library / commonwealth-vlr-engine

Commonwealth-VLR-Engine is a Rails engine for creating Blacklight apps that provide access to content from Solr/Fedora, packaging a number of feature-rich enhancements and modifications.
Apache License 2.0
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enforce download restrictions at controller level #102

Open ebenenglish opened 10 months ago

ebenenglish commented 10 months ago

We have many in-copyright items that do not display download links in the public front-end on the catalog#show page.

However, a "malicious" user can infer the link pattern for downloads and construct a URL to download a restricted item.

Download restrictions should be set at the controller level so that DownloadsControllerBehavior returns a 401 Unauthorized error for requests for restricted items from non-admin users.

See the #license_allows_download? method in app/helpers/commonwealth_vlr_engine/downloads_helper_behavior.rb.