bostondiditeam / MV3D

Multi-View 3D Object Detection Network for Autonomous Driving
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train with kitti data #20

Open zhl95 opened 6 years ago

zhl95 commented 6 years ago

When I do "python". It gives "NameError: name 'data_splitter' is not defined". But data_splitter is only defined when data is didi. How to run with kitti data?

Anida-qin commented 6 years ago

@zhl95 hello. I came across the same problem. I think need a little change to the codes. Did u solve this problem?

zhl95 commented 6 years ago

use code as adioshun suggested. Then delete the redundant arguments for Batchloading and trainer.

Anida-qin commented 6 years ago

thanks a lot. It works now.

michael5lin commented 6 years ago

@Anida-qin @zhl95
hi,Have you ever encountered mistakes like

ImportError: No module named Cython.Distutils

after execute the very beginning steps which before python source activate tensorflow sudo chmod 755 ./ ./ or i shouldnt have these steps?

zhl95 commented 6 years ago

No. Did you try pip install the missing module?

mikon1995 commented 6 years ago

have you ever use the pretrained weights in checkpoint mudule(which can be download in baiduyun)? i have problem with restoring the model.... always shows the error "Converting sparse IndexedSlices to a dense Tensor of unknown shape. " @zhl95 @Anida-qin do you know how to solve it ? thanks a lot...

FightStone commented 6 years ago

can you tell me which version of tensorflow are you using ? @zhl95 @Anida-qin