[03/04/2023, 15:19:44] [homebridge-bali-blinds] Could not find request ID in response {"id":"3cf27f30-2579-4f1d-b3f1-8cf690d5e216","method":"loginUserMios","error":null,"result":{}}
[03/04/2023, 15:19:45] [homebridge-bali-blinds] Could not find request ID in response {"id":"8440411f-0f38-4922-82db-fd6666214d92","method":"registered","error":null,"result":{}}
There are two requests sent during startup related to authentication that don't use Request ID's for tracking. These should not result in warnings during startup.
There are two requests sent during startup related to authentication that don't use Request ID's for tracking. These should not result in warnings during startup.