botblock /

A simple API wrapper for providing server count posting to all bot lists and fetching bot information from all. [Python - maintained by @MattIPv4]
MIT License
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Something possibly worth mentioning: discord.Client.guild_ready_timeout #7

Open reticivis-net opened 2 years ago

reticivis-net commented 2 years ago

guild_ready_timeout is documented as The maximum number of seconds to wait for the GUILD_CREATE stream to end before preparing the member cache and firing READY. It defaults to 2 seconds, which means for very large bots (such as my own), on_ready can fire before the bot has all of the guilds and therefore will cause discordlists to report the wrong (and often much lower) guild count to the APIs. image

maybe just mention this in the readme or setup guides? it might also be possible to use some of the code from _delay_ready() to ignore on_ready and wait for all guilds to be ready but I'm not sure how

cheesycod commented 2 years ago

It would be nice if we could set guild and shard count. Honestly, it’s easier to just do manual posting to bot block if you’re a larger bot especially if you don’t use dpy sharding/use custom launchers etc

MattIPv4 commented 2 years ago

If you're doing manual posting, just make the API call to BotBlock yourself. All this lib does is handle wrapping to do that call for you.