Closed Fugit185 closed 4 years ago
Hi, I think it's because you are using embedded: true
, this lets the webchat take all the space available in it's enclosing component. Set it to false or don't set it at all and it should resolve your issue
Hi, I think it's because you are using
embedded: true
, this lets the webchat take all the space available in it's enclosing component. Set it to false or don't set it at all and it should resolve your issue
Thanks, it was that. I thought that embedded means that it is "embedded" Thank you very much -Pauli
It is indeed embedded in its parent component, it's true that the readme description isn't very clear about what it means
Webchat runs only in full screen mode, not as a normal chatbot widget.
When I run it in my other Virtualbox virtual environment, without docker and without apache2, it works normally. I doubleckick index.html and it opens in firefox tab, there it is as chatbot widget. In apache environment I go to webpage, see config files below, and there it opens as full screen mode
I use virtualhosts in apache2. Version is 2.4.29(Ubuntu)
Here are my config files
linttu@linttu-VirtualBox:/etc/apache2/sites-available$ cat userA.conf
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ServerName ServerAlias DocumentRoot /home/userA/public_html/ <Directory /home/userA/public_html/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
Include conf-available/serve-cgi-bin.conf
_linttu@linttu-VirtualBox:/etc/apache2/sites-available$ cat /home/userA/publichtml/index.html