botletics / SIM7000-LTE-Shield

Botletics SIM7000 LTE CAT-M1/NB-IoT Shield for Arduino
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Failed to enable GPRS #52

Closed ammarqs closed 5 years ago

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

My previous issue was resolved. I was missing a library. After uploading the IoT_example code, and changing the APN to match our providers APN, the system is trying to enable GPRS but fails. Keep so retrying. image

botletics commented 5 years ago

Looks like you don't have a LiPo battery and the module is shutting down.

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

I have the system powered over USB. No external batteries in there.

botletics commented 5 years ago

That's the problem. Per the product page and Github wiki pages, a 3.7V LiPo battery is required. You're probably seeing the green "PWR" LED next to the module shut off, right? (And the "NET" LED as well along with it).

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

Nope. the green pwr LED is on. NET blue light is blinking. And DONE green light is solid.

botletics commented 5 years ago

Then you're probably not connected to a network. Please check AT+CREG? or the "n" command in the LTE_Demo sketch. You have to be connected to a network before data will work.

ammarqs commented 5 years ago


This shows connection is made.

botletics commented 5 years ago

No, that does not show cellular network connection. Please use the "n" command to check network registration.

botletics commented 5 years ago

Also, I'm concerned about what SIM card you're using. The SIM7000 does not support traditional LTE, like what you would normally find in most phones. You need an LTE CAT-M or NB-IoT SIM card or it won't work. However, with the SIM7000G version (like what you have) it supports 2G fallback as well, so that could be an option.

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

Right.. it says not registered. So a way around it?

botletics commented 5 years ago

Please read this wiki page on getting connected.

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

The sim we have is for IoT purpose, not a normal sim card that we use in cell phones. We buy our services from Kore. I will confirm from them if this sim card is what you mentioned above.

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

Please read this wiki page on getting connected.

I will. Thank you.

botletics commented 5 years ago

For this shield I would highly suggest the Hologram SIM card since it's proven to work with this shield, but ultimately it's up to you. I'm not sponsored or directly affiliated with them or anything but they have great pricing for IoT devices, global connectivity (they keep partnering with different carriers to add network support to their SIM card) and the same SIM card supports both AT&T's and Verizon's LTE CAT-M networks in the US, nation-wide. Yes, you can use either network on the same SIM card. :)

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

I have checked the pricing from Hologram and compare with Kore. 38 cents per MB for hologram. We get around $10 or less for 125 MB per line prices from Kore. Our company has a contract with Kore. We do PLC communication using that. Trying to go small scale using Arduino/sim7000 setup. Have to figure out a way to use the same service provider. I read your page, it mentions about have a 3.7 v battery, i assume thats compulsory and the system wont work without it?

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

On one of your GPS video on youtube, i did notice that there was no battery connected and still it worked flawlessly.

botletics commented 5 years ago

That was an older version of the shield which had different circuitry. It had no LiPo battery support. I have since re-designed it to allow users to create ultra low-power prototypes using a LiPo battery and the battery is now absolutely required.

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

That was an older version of the shield which had different circuitry. It had no LiPo battery support. I have since re-designed it to allow users to create ultra low-power prototypes using a LiPo battery and the battery is now absolutely required.

i guess i am buying one from amazon then. :)

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

any recommendations on the manufacturer.?

botletics commented 5 years ago

Any from Adafruit or Sparkfun will work. Just make sure the battery is at least 1000mAH (recommended)

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

Oh what i meant is i am buying a battery from amazon, not the board. Sorry i wasnt clear.

botletics commented 5 years ago

You can find the Adafruit LiPo batteries on Amazon as well.

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

Got it.. Much appreciated. The board also has a charging system for these batteries? Or this is just for backup?

botletics commented 5 years ago

Correct, it charges the battery via the 5V rail of the Arduino, which is the pin labeled "5V" on the shield.

botletics commented 5 years ago

And for reference, you can read all about the operation on this Github wiki page

ammarqs commented 5 years ago


Verizon Need separate SIM for standard LTE and for CAT-M1. They both work on the LTE technology but Verizon has separate SIMs for each spectrum.

AT&T Currently, AT&T does not require that you use a different SIM for LTE and CAT-M1. You can use the same SIM. Again, both utilize the LTE technology.

T-Mobile T-Mobile continues to fine tune their NB-IoT technology and are not quite ready to roll out their competing technology.

Ours is AT&T, so i assume the sim card i am using is fine.

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

So i checked with our service provider. They only have CAT-M1 packages for upto 5MB. My current package is LTE. would that work? or it has to be CAT-M1?

botletics commented 5 years ago

It has to be CAT-M1

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

Is there a way around it? Do we have to consider other products that support LTE only?

botletics commented 5 years ago

No way around it for the SIM7000 module. It supports either LTE CAT-M1 or NB-IoT, that's it. The SIM7000C/E/G versions additionally support 2G but I'm assuming that's not what you're aiming for.

botletics commented 5 years ago

The best way around it would be to use the Hologram SIM card, but if you're stuck with whatever you're using then you're out of luck.

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

You are right. we might have to consider a different service provider for this. Hologram would probably be the best. Our company is also considering the E-series from particle, not sure what they decide. But as far as i understand, that would also require CAT-M1.

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

Hello Timothy, wanted to find out with this module is PTCRB certified?

botletics commented 5 years ago

Yes, the SIM7000A is PTCRB certified for AT&T and Verizon.

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

The one on your board is the SIM7000G.

botletics commented 5 years ago

I also have the SIM7000A/E/G versions. The SIM7000G does not have PTCRB.

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

the one i got from amazon is the SIM7000G. where can i find the others? and would they be compatible with AT&T and/or t-mobile?

botletics commented 5 years ago

The others are also on Amazon. The 7000A-A is technically PTCRB only for AT&T and the 7000A-V is technically certified for Verizon only, but SIMCom combined the two modules via firmware so that they are PTCRB for both AT&T and Verizon in a unified SIM7000A module. T-Mobile is not supported yet because they don't even have NB-IoT out in the US yet.

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

Thanks Timothy. I just spoke to our T-mobile distributor and they say they only have the NB-IoT available. CAT-M1 wont be available until next year. I guess i will be getting the Sim7000A module. something compatible with everything. I hope that also works with hologram.

botletics commented 5 years ago

Yes, T-Mobile only has NB-IoT. And yes, the SIM7000A works great with the Hologram SIM card. I use it all the time on both Verizon and AT&T without issues.

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

I see 2 version on amazon. A-V and A-A. there is no sim7000A only, Sorry for the trouble.

botletics commented 5 years ago

Correct. I don't currently sell that. The combined version will be in stock in the near future on Amazon when the A-A and A-V versions are depleted. Functionally there is no difference.

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

Timothy, I managed to get a contract with Kore for CAT-M1. Still the module doesnt respond here. with "n" in the command line, i keep getting Network Status 0: Not registered. I also have the LiPo battery installed. How do i troubleshoot more? The power light is steady green. The Blue NET light is blinking

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

This is AT&T and the module i am using is SIM7000G

botletics commented 5 years ago

How fast is the NET LED blinking? Also please check AT+CGREG in addition to AT+CREG, although it shouldn't matter for CAT-M1.

And did you set the APN with AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" ?

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

The done green light is not steady.. but still no connection

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

my apn with kore is ""

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

The done green light is now* steady.. but still no connection

botletics commented 5 years ago

For the SIM7000G do the following:

The last command is to connect to AT&T specifically.

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

ammarqs commented 5 years ago

For the SIM7000G do the following:

  • AT+CNMP=38
  • AT+CMNB=1
  • AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""
  • AT+COPS=?
  • AT+COPS=1,2,"310410"

The last command is to connect to AT&T specifically.

Is this already there in your LTE_Demo program? or do i have to write a script for it?