botletics / SIM7000-LTE-Shield

Botletics SIM7000 LTE CAT-M1/NB-IoT Shield for Arduino
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Request for nodemcu ESP12e board & neo 6m gps with thingsboard #67

Closed kfrancisg closed 5 years ago

kfrancisg commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am new to arduino as well as NodeMCU, I was trying to make a sketch for send gps data to thingsboard. I tried edit few code that were available. NodeMCU GPIO part is okay. But with GPS it seems like Thingsboard is not getting any telemetry data. `#include



include <TinyGPS++.h>


define WIFI_AP "Elora"

define WIFI_PASSWORD "eltkfgp622"

define TOKEN "M9pMFEcB5jPbQbyXXXXX"

define GPIO0 0

define GPIO2 2

define GPIO0_PIN 3

define GPIO2_PIN 4

static const int RXPin = 12, TXPin = 13; static const uint32_t GPSBaud = 9600; // The TinyGPS++ object TinyGPSPlus gps; // The serial connection to the GPS device SoftwareSerial ss(RXPin, TXPin);

char thingsboardServer[] = "";

WiFiClient wifiClient;

PubSubClient client(wifiClient);

int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;

// We assume that all GPIOs are LOW boolean gpioState[] = {false, false};

void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Set output mode for all GPIO pins pinMode(GPIO0, OUTPUT); pinMode(GPIO2, OUTPUT); delay(10); InitWiFi(); client.setServer( thingsboardServer, 1883 ); client.setCallback(on_message); if (GPIO2_PIN == LOW){ ss.begin(GPSBaud); Serial.println(F("KitchenSink.ino")); Serial.println(F("Demonstrating nearly every feature of TinyGPS++ with an attached GPS module")); Serial.print(F("Testing TinyGPS++ library v. ")); Serial.println(TinyGPSPlus::libraryVersion()); Serial.println(); }

// This sketch displays information every time a new sentence is correctly encoded. while (ss.available() > 0) if (gps.encode( displayInfo();

if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10) { Serial.println(F("No GPS detected: check wiring.")); while(true); } } void displayInfo() { // Serial.print(F("Location: ")); if (gps.location.isValid()) {

double latitude = (;
double longitude = (gps.location.lng());
double COURSE = (gps.course.deg());
double speed = (gps.speed.kmph());

String latbuf;
latbuf += (String(latitude, 6));

String lonbuf;
lonbuf += (String(longitude, 6));

String speedk;
speedk += (String(speed));

COURSEW += (String(COURSE));

// Prepare a JSON payload string

String payload = "{"; payload += "\"latbuf\":"; payload += latbuf; payload += ","; payload += "\"lonbuf\":"; payload += lonbuf; payload += "}";

// Send payload char attributes[100]; payload.toCharArray( attributes, 100 ); client.publish( "v1/devices/me/telemetry", attributes ); Serial.println( attributes ); } } void loop() { if ( !client.connected() ) { reconnect(); }

client.loop(); }

// The callback for when a PUBLISH message is received from the server. void on_message(const char topic, byte payload, unsigned int length) {

Serial.println("On message");

char json[length + 1]; strncpy (json, (char*)payload, length); json[length] = '\0';

Serial.print("Topic: "); Serial.println(topic); Serial.print("Message: "); Serial.println(json);

// Decode JSON request StaticJsonBuffer<200> jsonBuffer; JsonObject& data = jsonBuffer.parseObject((char*)json);

if (!data.success()) { Serial.println("parseObject() failed"); return; }

// Check request method String methodName = String((const char*)data["method"]);

if (methodName.equals("getGpioStatus")) { // Reply with GPIO status String responseTopic = String(topic); responseTopic.replace("request", "response"); client.publish(responseTopic.c_str(), get_gpio_status().c_str()); } else if (methodName.equals("setGpioStatus")) { // Update GPIO status and reply set_gpio_status(data["params"]["pin"], data["params"]["enabled"]); String responseTopic = String(topic); responseTopic.replace("request", "response"); client.publish(responseTopic.c_str(), get_gpio_status().c_str()); client.publish("v1/devices/me/attributes", get_gpio_status().c_str()); } }

String get_gpio_status() { // Prepare gpios JSON payload string StaticJsonBuffer<200> jsonBuffer; JsonObject& data = jsonBuffer.createObject(); data[String(GPIO0_PIN)] = gpioState[0] ? true : false; data[String(GPIO2_PIN)] = gpioState[1] ? true : false; char payload[256]; data.printTo(payload, sizeof(payload)); String strPayload = String(payload); Serial.print("Get gpio status: "); Serial.println(strPayload); return strPayload; }

void set_gpio_status(int pin, boolean enabled) { if (pin == GPIO0_PIN) { // Output GPIOs state digitalWrite(GPIO0, enabled ? HIGH : LOW); // Update GPIOs state gpioState[0] = enabled; } else if (pin == GPIO2_PIN) { // Output GPIOs state digitalWrite(GPIO2, enabled ? HIGH : LOW); // Update GPIOs state gpioState[1] = enabled; } }

void InitWiFi() { Serial.println("Connecting to AP ..."); // attempt to connect to WiFi network

WiFi.begin(WIFI_AP, WIFI_PASSWORD); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println("Connected to AP"); }

void reconnect() { // Loop until we're reconnected while (!client.connected()) { status = WiFi.status(); if ( status != WL_CONNECTED) { WiFi.begin(WIFI_AP, WIFI_PASSWORD); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println("Connected to AP"); } Serial.print("Connecting to ThingsBoard node ..."); // Attempt to connect (clientId, username, password) if ( client.connect("ESP8266 Device", TOKEN, NULL) ) { Serial.println( "[DONE]" ); // Subscribing to receive RPC requests client.subscribe("v1/devices/me/rpc/request/+"); // Sending current GPIO status Serial.println("Sending current GPIO status ..."); client.publish("v1/devices/me/attributes", get_gpio_status().c_str()); } else { Serial.print( "[FAILED] [ rc = " ); Serial.print( client.state() ); Serial.println( " : retrying in 5 seconds]" ); // Wait 5 seconds before retrying delay( 5000 ); } } }`

botletics commented 5 years ago

Sorry, if your issue is not related to SIM7000 them please don't post here. There are plenty of forums for ESP8266.