botman / driver-facebook

BotMan Facebook Messenger Driver
MIT License
71 stars 72 forks source link

getUser not working #72

Closed WilliamBlais closed 5 years ago

WilliamBlais commented 5 years ago


I'm trying to use getUser to eventually get the user id, but I always have this error;

`[2018-07-30 06:29:37] local.ERROR: Error sending payload: Unsupported get request. Please read the Graph API documentation at {"exception":"[object] (BotMan\Drivers\Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookException(code: 0): Error sending payload: Unsupported get request. Please read the Graph API documentation at at /Users/user/www/project/vendor/botman/driver-facebook/src/FacebookDriver.php:475) [stacktrace]

0 /Users/user/www/project/vendor/botman/driver-facebook/src/FacebookDriver.php(432): BotMan\Drivers\Facebook\FacebookDriver->throwExceptionIfResponseNotOk(Object(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response))

1 /Users/user/www/project/vendor/botman/botman/src/BotMan.php(236): BotMan\Drivers\Facebook\FacebookDriver->getUser(Object(BotMan\BotMan\Messages\Incoming\IncomingMessage))

2 /Users/user/www/project/app/Http/Controllers/MessengerController.php(26): BotMan\BotMan\BotMan->getUser()

3 [internal function]: App\Http\Controllers\MessengerController->handle(Object(Illuminate\Http\Request))

... `

I also tried using the dev-master of botman/driver-facebook, still the same result.

Anyone got an idea?

Thanks, William

christophrumpel commented 5 years ago

Hey @WilliamBlais , just tried it on the latest version of for me everything is working.

Does receiving messages and replying back with Facebook and your bot work?

christophrumpel commented 5 years ago

Ok I know why this is happening. There was a change by Facebook that only allows name, first_name, last_name, profile_pic by default. For everything else you need a permission. We need to change that in the driver.

christophrumpel commented 5 years ago

There has already been a PR for a workarodung #74 . We are also working a new version of the FacebookDriver to change the behaviour due to the new permissions.

WilliamBlais commented 5 years ago

@christophrumpel Got it, thank you for your help!

christian482 commented 3 years ago

i got this error, i cant see the project to update