botman / driver-telegram

BotMan Telegram Driver
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TelegramInlineQueryDriver [feature discussion] #94

Open vdomah opened 3 years ago

vdomah commented 3 years ago

I successfully implemented Inline Queries Driver in my project and I would like to make PR to this repo but I need some advices about how to do it properly to meet the package requirements.

So the steps are:

  1. To create TelegramInlineQueryDriver class [DONE]

  2. Write matching logic [DONE]

    public function matchesRequest()
        return ! is_null($this->payload->get('inline_query'));
  3. Check that other driver will not match inline_query (TelegramDriver itself)

  4. Here is the interesting part. Need to decide how TelegramInlineQueryDriver sends request to Telegram API. Because inline queries don't use Conversations/Messages - we just need to send response directly.

  5. In my project I've created buildServicePayloadInline instead of buildServicePayload method in TelegramInlineQueryDriver. buildServicePayloadInline will switch to answerInlineQuery endpoint:

    $this->endpoint = 'answerInlineQuery';
  6. There I was sending request with data needed:

    $data = ['inline_query_id' => $inline_query_id, 'cache_time' => 0];
    //forming $arArticlesJson array
    $data['results'] = '[' . implode(',', $arArticlesJson) . ']';

return $data;

6. $arArticlesJson is array of InlineQueryResultArticle objects

So now I'm wondering the most about "//forming $arArticlesJson array" part. We don't have Conversation classes here. But we need to inject our logic to prepare data that will be sent.

The most primitive way I see is for example to do that just by static method with closure:


TelegramInlineQueryDriver::listen(function($inline_query) { //developer got access to all inline query parameters: //$inline_query['from']['id']; //$inline_query['id']; //$inline_query['query']; - the string user enters writing @bot_name

$data = ['inline_query_id' => $inline_query_id, 'cache_time' => 0];
//forming $arArticlesJson array
$data['results'] = '[' . implode(',', $arArticlesJson) . ']';

return $data;


What are your ideas on this, dear colleagues?