boto / boto3

AWS SDK for Python
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AWS Boto3 documentaion has start_directory_listing for transfer but is missing #4186

Closed CountryNerd closed 3 days ago

CountryNerd commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug but in boto3 there is no start_directory_listing

Expected Behavior

the transfer client to have function start_directory_listing

Current Behavior

I get an error stating the 'Transfer' client has no attribute for it

Reproduction Steps


transfer_client = boto3.client('transfer', region_name='us-west-2')

List all available functions for the transfer client

functions_list = dir(transfer_client)
# Print the functions
for function in functions_list:

class delattr dict dir doc eq format ge getattr getattribute getstate gt hash init init_subclass le lt module ne new reduce reduce_ex repr setattr sizeof str subclasshook weakref _cache _client_config _convert_to_request_dict _emit_api_params _endpoint _exceptions _exceptions_factory _get_credentials _get_waiter_config _load_exceptions _loader _make_api_call _make_request _register_handlers _request_signer _resolve_endpoint_ruleset _response_parser _ruleset_resolver _serializer _service_model _user_agent_creator can_paginate close create_access create_agreement create_connector create_profile create_server create_user create_workflow delete_access delete_agreement delete_certificate delete_connector delete_host_key delete_profile delete_server delete_ssh_public_key delete_user delete_workflow describe_access describe_agreement describe_certificate describe_connector describe_execution describe_host_key describe_profile describe_security_policy describe_server describe_user describe_workflow exceptions generate_presigned_url get_paginator get_waiter import_certificate import_host_key import_ssh_public_key list_accesses list_agreements list_certificates list_connectors list_executions list_host_keys list_profiles list_security_policies list_servers list_tags_for_resource list_users list_workflows meta send_workflow_step_state start_file_transfer start_server stop_server tag_resource test_connection test_identity_provider untag_resource update_access update_agreement update_certificate update_connector update_host_key update_profile update_server update_user waiter_names

Possible Solution

No response

Additional Information/Context

No response

SDK version used


Environment details (OS name and version, etc.)

AWS Lambda python 3.12

nateprewitt commented 1 week ago

Hi @CountryNerd, you're using a version of boto3 that's ~5 months old. This feature was released in 1.34.89 (the current release is 1.34.138). You'll need to update to a more recent version if you'd like to access new features. You can find instructions on bundling a recent copy of Boto3 in Lambda here.