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Edits to motivation-bot tutorial #6

Closed orlando21 closed 7 years ago

orlando21 commented 7 years ago

I made some edits to the motivation-bot tutorial and then thought a TOC wouldn't be bad so added this to all 4 tutorials. Don't know what you think of having a TOC or what style it should be. In motivation-bot I couldn't get past step #16 because the YouTube API key I created didn't work for me.

slvnperron commented 7 years ago

This is golden, thanks a lot Greg! 💯

orlando21 commented 7 years ago

Thanks Sylvain! I'm glad you found them useful. One question... to create the TOCs, I had to put HTML anchor tags in each heading. To me, this seems somewhat klunky. Would you know of a more efficient way (tool, etc.) that could be used to automatically generate TOCs for documentation (in markdown of course)?

slvnperron commented 7 years ago

I also have this problem and know no solution. If you find something please tell me :)