On trying to connect botpress with messenger by inputing app id, app secret and access token through UI, I am getting forllowing errors : An error has been returned by Facebook API. Status: 400 (Bad Request) (#100) callback_url should represent a valid URL.
Even when manually input these values in botpress-messenger.config.yml same error is shown.
but the fallback url gets validated on messenger developer console.
I am using ngrok for making server in localhost...it works fine when I try to make chatbot using directly facebook's quickstart instructions.
macOS :
using node version =
Botpress version:
On trying to connect botpress with messenger by inputing app id, app secret and access token through UI, I am getting forllowing errors :
An error has been returned by Facebook API. Status: 400 (Bad Request) (#100) callback_url should represent a valid URL.
Even when manually input these values in botpress-messenger.config.yml same error is shown.
but the fallback url gets validated on messenger developer console.
I am using ngrok for making server in localhost...it works fine when I try to make chatbot using directly facebook's quickstart instructions.
What can I do?