Getting the following error while running the bot.
Mod[nlu] Error training slot tagger | TypeError: trainer.set_callback is not a function
at CRFExtractor._trainCrf (/tmp/testbot/modules/.cache/module__b7326f4e6053bc7e7f8b870715e8c0ea08c076fee43e174813e1b37647fdabd1/dist/backend/pipelines/slots/crf_extractor.js:117:13)
at CRFExtractor.train (/tmp/testbot/modules/.cache/module__b7326f4e6053bc7e7f8b870715e8c0ea08c076fee43e174813e1b37647fdabd1/dist/backend/pipelines/slots/crf_extractor.js:56:16)
Flow linking is also not working. When I add transition from entry, I am not seeing the connection line there.
Make sure these checkboxes are checked before raising an issue, thank you!
(v10.14.1)Please also fill in these fields:
Botpress version:
Channels: web-channel
Getting the following error while running the bot.
Flow linking is also not working. When I add transition from entry, I am not seeing the connection line there.