bottiger / SoundWaves

Free, Libre and Open Source podcatcher - for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Behaviour change of AlarmManager.set() #158

Closed LiliWeiSE closed 6 years ago

LiliWeiSE commented 6 years ago

For your information, the behaviour of AlarmManager.set() has changed since API 19. (Doc) After API 19, the time will be treated as inexact and the alarm will not be delivered before this time, but may be deferred and delivered some time later. This API is used in PodcastUpdateReceiver. I am not sure whether an exact time is needed here and only leave this information for your reference.

bottiger commented 6 years ago

@frankFic Thanks for taking the time to post this. I am aware of this, but fortunately and exact timer isn't needed. Also, for API level 21 and above the alarmmanager isn't used.