bottiger / SoundWaves

Free, Libre and Open Source podcatcher - for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: Episode Retention Setting (Auto-Delete) #196

Open maltfield opened 4 years ago

maltfield commented 4 years ago

I have a request for (what I imagine is a popularly desired) functionality that doesn't appear to be implemented in any actively maintained FOSS android podcast software:

I'd like to have new episodes of the podcast automatically downloaded. And I'd like those episodes to be automatically deleted X days after they're published.

Alternatively, replace "And I'd like those episodes to be automatically deleted X days after they're published" with "And I'd like to retain only X count of the most-recent episodes downloaded, deleting older episodes to make room for the new ones." Because the podcast I'm thinking of is published daily, it's the same thing for me. But feel free to implement whichever is easier or better for UX.

It's really shocking to me that there's no FOSS android podcast app on F-Droid with this functionality. Is it possible to be implemented on SoundWaves?

To describe my use-case more specifically: I have a video news show that I like to watch. They publish a new video podcast every day. The videos 1-hour long and are ~250 MB in size. I like to watch the video in the morning after waking up while showering, brushing my teeth, making/eating breakfast, etc. But because the video is so big, it sometimes doesn't finish downloading until after I'm done with my morning routine. Therefore, I'd like the podcast app to download it automatically while I sleep so it's finished downloaded by the time I wake up.

Moreover, some mornings I just oversleep or am in a rush, so I'd like it to keep a few days worth of the podcast's episodes. But because the size is so big, I'd like it to only keep a few (user-configurable) episodes (probably 3-7-ish episodes). I'd like it to delete these older episodes to make space for newer episodes even if I didn't get around to watching a given episode.

Ideally, the number of days to keep a given podcast's episodes would be configurable and specific to each podcast (so one news show that's audio-only, shorter, and smaller, I may want to keep 30 episodes of before auto deleting, but another podcast that's longer and bigger, I may want to keep only 3 episodes of before auto deleting). But I consider per-podcast retention setting to be optional as I'm sure it adds a lot of complexity.

Is this possible?

Thank you.