bottkars / vmxtoolkit

vmxtoolkit is the Powershell extension to VMware Workstation
Apache License 2.0
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new-VMXScsiDisk command with script doesn't work #24

Open nimoinau opened 4 years ago

nimoinau commented 4 years ago


I'm new on github and on powershell.

I am testing to make a powershell script to create a VM. I want the user to enter the size of disk with read-host command, and then the script creates the disk with the variable.

but i have got an issue. image

I do not have this problem with the size of ram. I have tried many solutions but it does not work.

I do not know if it is a bug or if my knowledge of powershell is too bad.

thanks for help.

here is my beginner script

`#dossier de travail

fichiers iso debian

fichier preseed original

script preseed creator

Write-Output "Vérification de la présence du module vmxtoolkit" if (get-module -Name vmxtoolkit) { Write-Output "module existe"} else {Write-Output "module n'existe pas" install-module vmxtoolkit -confirm :$false -force Set-executionpolicy -executionpolicy Remotesigned -Scope Currentuser import-module vmxtoolkit -force }

$cpu=Read-Host "nombre de cpu désiré ?" [int]$mem=Read-Host "quantité de mémoire désirée en Go ?" [int]$mem=$mem*1024 $disk = Read-Host "Taille du disque en Go ?" $vmname = Read-Host "nom de la VM ?" $diskname=$vmname + ".vmdk"

sélection du fichier iso

Write-Output "Veuillez sélectionner le fichier ISO" function Select-FileDialog { param([string]$Title,[string]$Directory,[string]$Filter="All Files (.)|.") [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog $objForm.InitialDirectory = $Directory $objForm.Filter = $Filter $objForm.Title = $Title $Show = $objForm.ShowDialog() If ($Show -eq "OK") { Return $objForm.FileName } Else { Write-Error "Operation cancelled by user." } } $iso = Select-FileDialog -Title "Select a file" -Directory "C:\Users\nicolas" New-VMX -VMXName $vmname -GuestOS debian10-64 -Firmware EFI -Path C:\VM New-VMXScsiDisk -NewDiskname $diskname -NewDiskSize $disk -VMXName $vmname -Path C:\VM\$vmname Add-VMXScsiDisk -Diskname C:\VM\$vmname\$diskname -VMXName $vmname -LUN 0 -Controller 0 -config C:\VM\$vmname\$vmname.vmx Connect-VMXcdromImage -VMXName $vmname -ISOfile "$iso" -config C:\VM\$vmname\$vmname.vmx -Contoller sata -Port 0:0 Set-VMXNetworkAdapter -VMXName $vmname -Adapter 0 -ConnectionType nat -AdapterType e1000e -config C:\VM\$vmname\$vmname.vmx Set-VMXmemory -MemoryMB $mem -config C:\VM\$vmname\$vmname.vmx Set-VMXprocessor -Processorcount $cpu -config C:\VM\$vmname\$vmname.vmx Start-VMX -VMXName $vmname -config C:\VM\$vmname\$vmname.vmx exit`