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disregard the escapes in the search interface #1341

Closed rafaelrdealmeida closed 3 years ago

rafaelrdealmeida commented 3 years ago


I'm using the bottle and I'm not able to disregard the escapes in the search interface.

the search is done correctly whether I enter the escape (I convert it) or not.

However, the escape appears for the user in the search box (I just wanted to change the box, in the url the escape could continue)

already tried:

my difficulty is dealing with the escape in the search box (I don't want it to appear). Any indication of what I'm doing wrong?

def main():
    config = get_config()
    return {'dirs': get_dirs(config['dirs'], config['dirdepth']),
            'query': get_query(), 'sorts': SORTS, 'config': config}

def results():
    config = get_config()
    query = get_query()
    qs = query_to_recoll_string(query)
    from unidecode import unidecode
    query['query'] = urllib.parse.unquote(query['query'])
    # query['query'] = ''.join([c if ord(c) < 128 else '?' for c in qs]).replace(
    #     "????", "?").replace("??", "?")
    res, nres, timer = recoll_search(query)
    extra_res = []  # variavel que sera retornada

    for result in res:
        e_m = extra_metadata_func([result["url"].split("/")[-1]])
        for k, v in e_m[0].items():
            result[k] = v

        if "ano_publicacao" in result and result["ano_publicacao"] != '':
                obj_data = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    result["ano_publicacao"], "%Y-%m-%d")
                result['ano_publicacao_check'] = obj_data
                # result["ano_publicacao"] = obj_data.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S -0500')
                result["ano_publicacao"] = obj_data.strftime('%Y')


        # Aqui devemos usar a config. E apontar para a rota correta
        filepath = result["url"].replace("file://", "")
        commonpath = os.path.commonpath([RECOLLWEB_ROOTDIR, filepath])
        if commonpath == RECOLLWEB_ROOTDIR:
            # TODO: Fazer URL encode / decode
            basefp = filepath.replace(commonpath + os.sep, "")
            url_formatada = os.path.join(RECOLLWEB_PREFIX, basefp)
            # TODO: Separar esse trecho de código em uma funcao
            url_formatada = filepath

        result["url_formatada"] = url_formatada

        # Cast para defaultdict
        extra_res.append(defaultdict(str, **result))

    if config['maxresults'] == 0:
        config['maxresults'] = nres
    if config['perpage'] == 0:
        config['perpage'] = nres


    return {'res': extra_res, 'time': timer, 'query': query, 'dirs':
            get_dirs(config['dirs'], config['dirdepth']),
            'qs': qs, 'sorts': SORTS, 'config': config,
            'query_string': bottle.request.query_string, 'nres': nres,
            'config': config}


%q = dict(query)
%def page_href(page):
    %q['page'] = page
    %q['query'] = q['query'].split(' dir:')[0]
    %return './results?%s' % urllib.parse.urlencode(q)
%if nres > 0:
    %import math, urllib
    %npages = int(math.ceil(nres/float(config['perpage'])))
    %if npages > 1:
        <div id="pages">
        <a title="First" class="page" href="{{page_href(1)}}">&#171;</a>
        <a title="Previous" class="page" href="{{page_href(max(1,query['page']-1))}}">&#8249;</a> &nbsp;
        %offset = int(query['page'])
        %for p in range(max(1,offset), min(offset+10,npages+1)):
            %if p == query['page']:
                %cls = "page current"
                %cls = "page"
            <a href="{{page_href(p)}}" class="{{cls}}">{{p}}</a>
        &nbsp; <a title="Next" class="page" href="{{page_href(min(npages, query['page']+1))}}">&#8250;</a>
        <a title="Last" class="page" href="{{page_href(npages)}}">&#187;</a>

%import re
<div id="searchbox">
<form action="results" method="get">
<table id="form">
    <td width="50%">
        <input tabindex="0" type="search" name="query" value="{{query['query']}}" autofocus><br><br>
        <input type="submit" value="Search">&nbsp;
        <a href="./" tabindex="-1"><input type="button" value="Reset"></a>&nbsp;
 <!-- comment  SETTINGS 
        <a href="settings" tabindex="-1"><input type="button" value="Settings"></a>
    <td width="30%">
        <select id="folders" name="dir">
        %for d in sorted(dirs, key=str.lower):
            %style = "margin-left: %dem" % (2*d.count('/'))
            %if d in query['dir']:
                <option style="{{style}}" selected value="{{d}}">{{re.sub('.+/','', d)}}</option>
                <option style="{{style}}" value="{{d}}">{{re.sub('.+/','', d)}}</option>
 <!-- comment DATES

        <b>Dates</b> <small class="gray">YYYY[-MM][-DD]</small><br>
    <input name="after" value="{{query['after']}}" autocomplete="off"> &mdash; <input name="before" value="{{query['before']}}" autocomplete="off">
        <b>Sort by</b>
        <select name="sort">
        %for s in sorts:
            %if query['sort'] == s[0]:
                <option selected value="{{s[0]}}">{{s[1]}}</option>
                <option value="{{s[0]}}">{{s[1]}}</option>
        <select name="ascending">
            %if int(query['ascending']) == 1:
                <option value="0">Descending</option>
                <option value="1" selected>Ascending</option>
                <option value="0" selected>Descending</option>
                <option value="1">Ascending</option>
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="1" />
<!-- vim: fdm=marker:tw=80:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et:ai
rafaelrdealmeida commented 3 years ago

In the end it was our mistakes here