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Can I use bottle with python 2.7.5 on hostmonster? #1379

Closed tim042849 closed 2 years ago

tim042849 commented 2 years ago

FYI: I am an old (don't knock old, consider the alternative), retired web developer and I just want to have fun in my golden years - not do anything fancy. I currently lease a hostmonster shared server and I don't really see a need to upgrade at this time. Hostmonster uses centOS for shared servers and provides only python2 (currently 2.7.5). Sudo is not available. Since bottle is just one file, I presume that all I would need to do is upload to my server. I would welcome any and all comments, caveats or warnings.

The project I have in mind would be just a simple portal to pdf files with a simple access hierarchy. It could be updated vi FTP and would not need a database. Documentation and comments in indicate compatibility with 2.7.5. Thanks

Jwink3101 commented 2 years ago

What you asked:

I believe it should work. I work just test with a simply “hello world” before investing too much. However, you need to do it via the very-antiquated CGI interface.

What you didn’t:

Regardless of your age, it’s worth learning python3. Especially on a new project! You may as well start with that as a base since it won’t be too hard, especially compared to porting.

And if your host doesn’t support it, your host is providing end-of-life software and you should vote with your wallet

tim042849 commented 2 years ago

I actually do use python3 on my home machines and on heroku (not my favorite platform). Apparently python2 is a default on the version of centOS used by hostmonster and I imagine that python3 will be available as they upgrade to a centOS that has python3 as a default. That's shared hosting for you and I have no other reason to upgrade (an unnecessary vote with my wallet). From Jwink3101 looks like I should be able to do a proof-of-concept prototype with python2 on hostmonster and if I want to go from there, I will use the AWS account that I recently set up. I can't imagine that I would ever need anything more than AWS Free Tier. Now that is voting with a flat wallet.:) Thanks very much for the feedback. Have a great day.