bottlerocket-os / bottlerocket

An operating system designed for hosting containers
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kernel-6.1: update to 6.1.91 #4005

Closed larvacea closed 3 months ago

larvacea commented 4 months ago

Rebase to Amazon Linux upstream version 6.1.91-99.172.amzn2023.

Description of changes:

Update kernel-6.1 to latest AL kernel available in the repositories.

Testing done:

Validate basic functionality through sonobuoy quick test:

> kubectl get nodes -o wide
NAME                                           STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION               INTERNAL-IP      EXTERNAL-IP    OS-IMAGE                                KERNEL-VERSION   CONTAINER-RUNTIME   Ready    <none>   116s   v1.28.7-eks-c5c5da4   Bottlerocket OS 1.21.0 (aws-k8s-1.28)   6.1.91           containerd://1.6.31+bottlerocket

> sonobuoy run --mode=quick --wait
20:36:17             e2e                                         global   complete            Passed:  1, Failed:  0, Remaining:  0
20:36:17    systemd-logs   complete                                                 
20:36:17 Sonobuoy plugins have completed. Preparing results for download.
20:36:37             e2e                                         global   complete   passed   Passed:  1, Failed:  0, Remaining:  0
20:36:37    systemd-logs   complete   passed                                        
20:36:37 Sonobuoy has completed. Use `sonobuoy retrieve` to get results.

Changes to the configs as reported by tools/diff-kernel-config:

config-aarch64-aws-k8s-1.28-diff:     0 removed,   0 added,   0 changed
config-x86_64-aws-k8s-1.28-diff:      0 removed,   0 added,   0 changed
config-x86_64-metal-k8s-1.28-diff:    0 removed,   0 added,   0 changed
config-x86_64-vmware-k8s-1.28-diff:   0 removed,   0 added,   0 changed

Upstream dropped one patch (no longer needed).

Terms of contribution"

By submitting this pull request, I agree that this contribution is dual-licensed under the terms of both the Apache License, version 2.0, and the MIT license.