boucadair / CATS-framework

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Editorial review of Figures 3 to 5 #67

Open luismcontreras opened 4 months ago

luismcontreras commented 4 months ago

Not clear to me some parts fo the figures. Assuming Figure 3 is ok, then it is not clear to me the line at the bottom from CS-ID 2 up to CATS forwarder 1. Also whyService CS-ID 2 has no metrics at the bottom part in Figure 5. More clarification text can be benefitial.

muzixing commented 2 months ago

Hi Luis,the bottom line from CS-ID2 up to CATS forwarder 1 is an example of CS-ID route distribution with/without metrics. In Figure 3, it is an distributed model, so the metrics will be attached to the CS-ID routes and distributed to the ingress CATS forwarder.

In Figure 5, it is an hybrid model, so we illustrate that the metric can be collected by a central element and sync up with the Ingress CATS forwarder, so in this case, the CS-ID 2 has no (computing metrics).

is it clear for you? you can propose some text :)