bouffalolab / bl_iot_sdk

BL602/BL702 SDK. Any technical topic, please access the following link.
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Bl602 ito sdk 中可以设置的频率宽度为什么和文档中的不一致? #25

Closed ggggxiaolong closed 3 years ago

ggggxiaolong commented 3 years ago

文档: pdf:154页 支持的占空比 (n 为整数, 且 2 <= n <= 65535^2)

另外能不能添加一个控制舵机的pwm demo

gamelaster commented 3 years ago

ggggxiaolong commented 3 years ago

Thanks, could you tell me how to set pwm 50Hz frequency,I'm a newer to code hardware , i want do drive servo, but the source code frequency mush in 20k~80M.

gamelaster commented 3 years ago

Hi @ggggxiaolong , just use bl_pwm_set_freq(pwm_channel_id, 50); and specify which PWM channel you use 😊 .

YafeiJin commented 3 years ago

@ggggxiaolong There are two CLK sources for PWM, BusCLK(CPUCLK/2=BusCLK, 80M) and Xtal(40M), then PWM CLK value is got by PWM CLK Source/PWM DIV. PWM CLK is the basic unit to generate PWM signal. Period/Thre1/Thre2 are just counters, with which the final PWM signal will be generated. All limits lie in the register width instead of the SW code, that is used for ensuring the duty precision with 1%. I don't have HW on hand now, will provide sample code Next Monday.

ggggxiaolong commented 3 years ago

@gamelaster Thanks

ggggxiaolong commented 3 years ago

@YafeiJin when LED_PWM_PERIOD=1000 it works,but when i set LED_PWM_PERIOD=50 it not works, it was 2.984kHz,and when duty less than 3 freq will change demo code

#define LED 1        //GPIO引脚定义
#define LED_CHANLE 1 //GPIO1所对应的PWM通道
#define LED_PWM_PERIOD 1000
bool value = false;

void PWM(void *arg)

    // hal_pwm_init(LED_CHANLE, LED); //PWM初始化
    // hal_pwm_freq_update(LED_CHANLE, LED_PWM_PERIOD);
    bl_pwm_set_freq(LED_CHANLE, LED_PWM_PERIOD);
    bl_pwm_set_duty(LED_CHANLE, 0);

    int i = 0;
    while (1)
    { //呼吸灯效果实现

        for (i = 20; i > -1; i--)
            // hal_pwm_duty_set(LED_CHANLE, i * 100, 0);
            bl_pwm_set_duty(LED_CHANLE, i);
            vTaskDelay(400 / portTICK_RATE_MS); //改变延时时间可改变呼吸速度的快慢
        for (i = 0; i < 21; i++)
            // hal_pwm_duty_set(LED_CHANLE, i * 100, 0);
            bl_pwm_set_duty(LED_CHANLE, i);
            vTaskDelay(400 / portTICK_RATE_MS);
        vTaskDelay(300 / portTICK_RATE_MS);
        LOGI(TAG, "PWM Recycle");

void user_main(void)

    if (xTaskCreate(PWM, "PWM", 512, NULL, 6, NULL) != pdPASS) //创建PWM函数任务
        LOGI(TAG, "xTaskCreate(GPIO) failed");
YafeiJin commented 3 years ago

@ggggxiaolong Temporally, Please use this patch to support low frequency PWM, which add one divClk parameter. With the sample of sdk_app_pwm, input the command, pwm_test, then measure GPIO2 to check. Thanks

ggggxiaolong commented 3 years ago

@YafeiJin not works, 0HZ-0%duty, shell out put is right it shows gpio2 and 50Hz, Test Tool众仪ZT-Y 红色表笔-> D2,黑色表笔->GND image

YafeiJin commented 3 years ago

@ggggxiaolong If possible, please provide more details on this issue. Thank a lot. Also, I uploaded the bin that I tested. PWM can output 50Hz, and duty could be changed.

ggggxiaolong commented 3 years ago

@YafeiJin Ok, I will test provide bin file tonight

ggggxiaolong commented 3 years ago

@YafeiJin Your provide bin file is ok, my compile bin file can't work, Here is my branch

�Starting bl602 now....
Booting BL602 Chip...
██████╗ ██╗      ██████╗  ██████╗ ██████╗
██╔══██╗██║     ██╔════╝ ██╔═████╗╚════██╗
██████╔╝██║     ███████╗ ██║██╔██║ █████╔╝
██╔══██╗██║     ██╔═══██╗████╔╝██║██╔═══╝
╚═════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝

RISC-V Core Feature:RV32-ACFIMX
Build Version: release_bl_iot_sdk_1.6.11-1-g66bb28da-dirty
Build Version: release_bl_iot_sdk_1.6.11-1-g66bb28da-dirty
PHY   Version: a0_final-44-geb7fadd
RF    Version: f76e39a
Build Date: Dec 22 2020
Build Time: 20:26:23
Heap 185772@0x42014254, 14624@0x420486e0

blog init set power on level 2, 2, 2.
[IRQ] Clearing and Disable all the pending IRQ...
[         0][INFO  : hal_boot2.c: 276] [HAL] [BOOT2] Active Partition[0] consumed 596 Bytes
======= PtTable_Config @0x4200d3c4=======
magicCode 0x54504642; version 0x0000; entryCnt 7; age 0; crc32 0x12DF9A26
idx  type device activeIndex     name   Address[0]  Address[1]  Length[0]   Length[1]   age
[00]  00     0         0            FW  0x00010000  0x000d8000  0x000c8000  0x00088000  0
[01]  02     0         0           mfg  0x00160000  0x00000000  0x00032000  0x00000000  0
[02]  03     0         0         media  0x00192000  0x00000000  0x00057000  0x00000000  0
[03]  04     0         0           PSM  0x001e9000  0x00000000  0x00008000  0x00000000  0
[04]  05     0         0           KEY  0x001f1000  0x00000000  0x00002000  0x00000000  0
[05]  06     0         0          DATA  0x001f3000  0x00000000  0x00005000  0x00000000  0
[06]  07     0         0       factory  0x001f8000  0x00000000  0x00007000  0x00000000  0
[         0][INFO  : bl_flash.c:  96] ======= FlashCfg magiccode @0x42049c18, code 0x47464346 =======
[         0][INFO  : bl_flash.c:  97]mid        0xEF
[         0][INFO  : bl_flash.c:  98] clkDelay  0x1
[         0][INFO  [0m: bl_flash.c:  99] clkInvert  0x1
[         0][INFO  : bl_flash.c: 100] sector size   4KBytes
[         0][INFO  : bl_flash.c: 101] page size 256Bytes
[         0][INFO  : bl_flash.c: 102] ---------------------------------------------------------------
[         0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 857] [MAIN] [BOARD] [FLASH] addr from partition is 001f8000, ret is 0
[         0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 865] [MAIN] [BOARD] [XIP] addr from partition is 231e7000, ret is 0
[         0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 315] xtal_mode length 2
[         0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 319] xtal_mode is MF
[         0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 243] xtal dtb in DEC :36 36 0 60 60
[         0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 590] channel_div_table :
[         0][BUF: hal_board.c: 591] c4 4e ec 1e cb b7 fc 1e d2 20 0d 1f d8 89 1d 1f df f2 2d 1f e5 5b 3e 1f ec c4 4e 1f f2 2d 5f 1f f9 96 6f 1f 00 00 80 1f 06 69 90 1f 0d d2 a0 1f 13 3b 
[         0][BUF: hal_board.c: 591] b1 1f 89 9d d8 1f f8 81 1f 20 
[         0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 601] channel_cnt_table :
[         0][BUF: hal_board.c: 602] 8a a7 e3 a7 3c a8 95 a8 ed a8 46 a9 9f a9 f8 a9 51 aa aa aa 03 ab 5c ab b5 ab 8a ac 94 34 00 23 c4 4e ec 1e cb b7 fc 1e d2 20 0d 1f d8 89 1d 1f df f2 
[         0][BUF: hal_board.c: 602] 2d 1f e5 5b 3e 1f 
[         0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 610] lo_fcal_div : 1387
MAC address mode length 3
MAC address mode is MBF
[         0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 186] Set MAC addrress B4:E8:42:02:9A:5E
[         0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 629] country_code : 86
[         0][ERROR : hal_board.c: 657] pwr_table_11b NULL. lentmp = -1
[         0][ERROR : hal_board.c: 677] pwr_table_11g NULL. lentmp = -1
[         0][ERROR : hal_board.c: 697] pwr_table_11n NULL. lentmp = -1
[        0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 439] pwr_mode length 2
[         0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 443] pwr_mode is bf
[         0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 336] pwr_offset from dtb:
[         0][BUF: hal_board.c: 337] 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 
[         0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 341] pwr_offset from dtb (rebase on 10):
[         0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 521] ap_ssid string[0] = bl_test_005, ap_ssid_len = 11
[         0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 532] ap_psk string[0] = 12345678, ap_psk_len = 8
[         0][INFO  : hal_board.c: 541] ap_channel = 11
[OS] Starting aos_loop_proc task...
[OS] Starting TCP/IP Stack...
[BL] [SEC] Failed after loop (17)
[BL] [SEC] Failed after loop (17)
-------------------->>>>>>>> LWIP tcp_port 49152
[OS] Starting OS Scheduler...
=== 32 task inited
====== bloop dump ======
  bitmap_evt 0
  bitmap_msg 0
--->>> timer list:
  32 task:
    task[31] : SYS [built-in]
      evt handler 0x2301ecfe, msg handler 0x2301ecce, trigged cnt 0, bitmap async 0 sync 0, time consumed 0us acc 0ms, max 0us
    task[30] : empty
    task[29] : empty
    task[28] : empty
    task[27] : empty
    task[26] : empty
    task[25] : empty
    task[24] : empty
    task[23] : empty
    task[22] : empty
    task[21] : empty
    task[20] : empty
    task[19] : empty
    task[18] : empty
    task[17] : empty
    task[16] : empty
    task[15] : empty
    task[14] : empty
    task[13] : empty
    task[12] : empty
    task[11] : empty
    task[10] : empty
    task[09] : empty
    task[08] : empty
    task[07] : empty
    task[06] : empty
    task[05] : empty
    task[04] : empty
    task[03] : empty
    task[02] : empty
    task[01] : empty
    task[00] : empty
[MTD] >>>>>> Hanlde info Dump >>>>>>
      name PSM
      id 0
      offset 0x001e9000(2002944)
      size 0x00008000(32Kbytes)
      xip_addr 0x231d8000
[MTD] <<<<<< Hanlde info End <<<<<<
[EF] Found Valid PSM partition, XIP Addr 231d8000, flash addr 001e9000
*default_env_size = 0x00000001
ENV start address is 0x00000000, size is 32768 bytes.
EasyFlash V4.0.99 is initialize success.
You can get the latest version on .
[        28][INFO  : hal_uart.c: 321] uart[0] cts status = disable lentmp = 7
[        29][INFO  : hal_uart.c: 321] uart[0] rts status = disable lentmp = 7
[        29][INFO  : hal_uart.c: 344] id = 0, tx = 16, rx = 7, cts = 255, rts = 255 baudrate = 2000000.
[        30][INFO  : hal_uart.c: 352] bl_uart_init 0 ok.
[        30][INFO  : hal_uart.c: 353] bl_uart_init 0 baudrate = 2000000 ok.
[        32][INFO  : hal_uart.c: 321] uart[1] cts status = disable lentmp = 7
[        33][INFO  : hal_uart.c: 321] uart[1] rts status = disable lentmp = 7
[        33][INFO  : hal_uart.c: 344] id = 1, tx = 4, rx = 3, cts = 255, rts = 255 baudrate = 115200.
[        34][INFO  : hal_uart.c: 352] bl_uart_init 1 ok.
[        34][INFO  : hal_uart.c: 353] bl_uart_init 1 baudrate = 115200 ok.
[        35][INFO  : hal_gpio.c: 181] [HAL] [GPIO] Max num is 40
[        35][INFO  : hal_gpio.c: 166] New CONF: GPIO05: feature 0, active 1, mode 0, time 100
[        36][INFO  : loopset_led.c:  75] [LED] New Trigger: PIN 5, active level Lo, type Blink
[        37][INFO  : hal_gpio.c: 106] [gpio1] status = disable
[        37][ERROR : hal_gpio.c: 195] gpio1: unvalid GPIO config
[        38][INFO  : hal_gpio.c:  97] gpio2 NOT found
[        39][INFO  : hal_wm.c: 201] pwm[0] pwm@4000A420 NULL.
[        39][INFO  : hal_pwm.c: 201] pwm[1] pwm@4000A440 NULL.
[        39][INFO  : hal_pwm.c: 201] pwm[2] pwm@4000A460 NULL.
[        40][INFO  : hal_pwm.c: 201] pwm[3] pwm@4000A480 NULL.
[        40][INFO  : halpwm.c: 201] pwm[4] pwm@4000A4A0 NULL.
[MTD] >>>>>> Hanlde info Dump >>>>>>
      name media
      id 0
      offset 0x00192000(1646592)
      size 0x00057000(348Kbytes)
      xip_addr 0x23181000
[MTD] <<<<<< Hanlde info End <<<<<<
[        42][ERROR : bl_romfs.c: 146] romfs magic is NOT correct
Init CLI with event Driven
[     24220][ERROR : bl_pwm.c:  89] arg error. bl_pwm_init freq = 50
[     24220][INFO  : main.c: 210] start pin = 2, id = 2
[     26220][INFO  : main.c: 215] stop pin = 2, id = 2
[     28220][INFO  : main.c: 210] start pin = 2, id = 2
[     30220][INFO  : main.c: 215] stop pin = 2, id = 2
[     32220][INFO  : main.c: 210] start pin = 2, id = 2
[     34220][INFO  : main.c: 215] stop pin = 2, id = 2
[     36220][INFO  : main.c: 210] start pin = 2, id = 2
[     38220][INFO  : main.c: 215] stop pin = 2, id = 2
[     40220][INFO  : main.c: 210] start pin = 2, id = 2
[     42220][INFO  : main.c: 215] stop pin = 2, id = 2
[     44220][INFO  : main.c: 210] start pin = 2, id = 2
[     46220][INFO  : main.c: 215] stop pin = 2, id = 2
[     48220][INFO  : main.c: 210] start pin = 2, id = 2
[     50220][INFO  : main.c: 215] stop pin = 2, id = 2
[     52220][INFO  : main.c: 210] start pin = 2, id = 2
[     54220][INFO  : main.c: 215] stop pin = 2, id = 2
[     56220][INFO  : main.c: 210] start pin = 2, id = 2
[     58220][INFO  : main.c: 215] stop pin = 2, id = 2
[     60220][INFO  : main.c: 210] start pin = 2, id = 2
[     62220][INFO  : main.c: 215] stop pin = 2, id = 2

ggggxiaolong commented 3 years ago

@YafeiJin Could you provide your source code in somewhere that I can download?

YafeiJin commented 3 years ago

@ggggxiaolong I tested the patch with the latest code on github, and it works well. Could you please delete build_out and recompile again? Thanks.

YafeiJin commented 3 years ago

With your branch, it is also correct. So please clean & recompile.

ggggxiaolong commented 3 years ago

@YafeiJin It works, Thanks