bouffalolab / bouffalo_sdk

BouffaloSDK is the IOT and MCU software development kit provided by the Bouffalo Lab Team, supports all the series of Bouffalo chips. Also it is the combination of bl_mcu_sdk and bl_iot_sdk
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examples/wifi are not working on Sipeed M0S Dock BL616 #126

Closed bvernoux closed 1 year ago

bvernoux commented 1 year ago

examples/wifi are not working tested on Sipeed M0S Dock BL616 How to reproduce:

For information on same board (Sipeed M0S Dock BL616) other examples like examples/shell/shell_os (which is used in wifi examples), examples\peripherals\usbdev\ perfectly with an FTDI C232HM DDHSL-0 used for Serial Port (2Mbauds by default) for logs/shell...

sakumisue commented 1 year ago

M0s has no psram, so it fails.

bvernoux commented 1 year ago

M0s has no psram, so it fails.

Does there is a way to avoid using psram for WIFI example ? (especially to be compatible with Sipeed M0S Dock BL616...) It will be great to have basic example which does not use psram (I doubt we need more than 500KB for that else there is clearly an issue)

sakumisue commented 1 year ago

modify proj.conf, disable CONFIG_PSRAM

sakumisue commented 1 year ago

Please wait for sta_connect done.

bvernoux commented 1 year ago

Thanks the hint to disable CONFIG_PSRAM (CONFIG_PSRAM 0) in proj.conf work fine now the console is working

Tested with (My router is not BL_TEST but it is the same on the real one) wifi_sta_connect seems to fail (like anything related to wifi) see logs:

bouffalolab />wifi_sta_connect BL_TEST 12345678
bouffalolab />wifi_http_test
bouffalolab />Http client task start ...
file [D:/_proj/__Lab_Tools/RISCV/Bouffalo_Lab_Dev/bl_mcu_sdk/components/os/freertos/queue.c]
func [xQueueSemaphoreTake]
line [1507]
( pxQueue )

Also wifi_scan fail (even if I reboot the board and I do only that command)

bouffalolab />wifi_scan
bouffalolab />Run WifiMgmr init first...
scan failed

For information see the init & free command provide following details:

 |  _ \             / _|/ _|    | |     | |     | |
 | |_) | ___  _   _| |_| |_ __ _| | ___ | | __ _| |__
 |  _ < / _ \| | | |  _|  _/ _` | |/ _ \| |/ _` | '_ \
 | |_) | (_) | |_| | | | || (_| | | (_) | | (_| | |_) |
 |____/ \___/ \__,_|_| |_| \__,_|_|\___/|_|\__,_|_.__/

Build:13:42:21,Apr  3 2023
Copyright (c) 2022 Bouffalolab team
=========== flash cfg ==============
jedec id   0xC86016
mid            0xC8
iomode         0x04
clk delay      0x01
clk invert     0x01
read reg cmd0  0x05
read reg cmd1  0x35
write reg cmd0 0x01
write reg cmd1 0x01
qe write len   0x02
cread support  0x01
cread code     0x20
burst wrap cmd 0x77
dynamic memory init success, ocram heap size = 168 Kbyte
bouffalolab />free
bouffalolab />total   free    alloc   mxblk   frnode  alnode
169672  161048  8624    160856  8       0
sakumisue commented 1 year ago

WIFI does not start, so why do you input cmd?

bvernoux commented 1 year ago

Forget about my previous log I had disabled the wifi code to check the console works (and it was not working because of CONFIG_PSRAM 1) and I have forgotten to reenable it I have reverted my change to the code and the WIFI work fine now thanks for all My advise will be to change the CONFIG_PSRAM (CONFIG_PSRAM 0) in proj.conf for all examples to be compatible with basic dev board without PSRAM with BL616 like the Sipeed M0S Dock BL616

sakumisue commented 1 year ago

Thanks, i will modify.

sakumisue commented 1 year ago
