bounswe / 2021SpringGroup4

This is the project repository of Group 4 for Boğaziçi University's Fundamentals of Software Engineering course.
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Android Milestone 2 Planning Meeting #166

Closed FatihAkgoz closed 2 years ago

FatihAkgoz commented 2 years ago

Required features and enhancement on Android Application are planned at 2/12/2021 20:30 | 21:00.

FatihAkgoz commented 2 years ago
As the result of this meeting following tasks will be finished in order until the Second Milestone Task Name Weigh Assignee
Backend Connection fix 3 Ece
Map Feature 5 Fatih
Create Event logic 2 Fatih
Event detail UI 2 Fatih
Join and follow event 2 Ece
Event list UI fix 1 Ece