bounswe / 2021SpringGroup4

This is the project repository of Group 4 for Boğaziçi University's Fundamentals of Software Engineering course.
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Frontend : Implement Autofill functionality to google maps; Maps.js Component in frontend #183

Closed yagmurse closed 2 years ago

yagmurse commented 2 years ago

Users should be able to select a place from google maps by typing the name of the location. Location suggestion will be taken from Places Api. As they select a suggested place Latitude and Longitude values will be in the center of the map.

alialperendurak commented 2 years ago

Autofill functionality is implemented in the Maps.js component. PlacesAutocomplete from "react-places-autocomplete" is used for the functionality. It is live for Events and Create Event page. Also, the functionality was performed in Customer Presentation 2.