bounswe / 2021SpringGroup4

This is the project repository of Group 4 for Boğaziçi University's Fundamentals of Software Engineering course.
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Frontend: Impelement Comment functionality for Event Page #241

Closed yagmurse closed 2 years ago

yagmurse commented 2 years ago

A comment component will be created to use in the comment page.

yagmurse commented 2 years ago

I created the comments.js component under Code->Frontend-> components. People can enter their comment and by clicking the send button the comment is sent to api/events/comment/ endpoint with the body of the comment and the parent .

yagmurse commented 2 years ago

There was a bug while sending the event id to backend the bug is fixed during the peer writing with the whole team before the demo night.

yagmurse commented 2 years ago

Initial comment component is created in this commit to frontend-comment branch

yagmurse commented 2 years ago

Final bugless version is updated with the whole frontend team ; related commit is made to frontend-master branch

yagmurse commented 2 years ago

Event Comment functionality is completed for the final presentation