bounswe / bounswe2015group3

Boun Software Engineering Couse Project /Spring 2015 /Group#3
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Code review for group page user interface #237

Closed danishjo closed 8 years ago

danishjo commented 8 years ago

Can you please review my code? The code is about creating a page for frontend user interface of the group which has the following specifications.

Here is the code ==> f06cc7202a8fb680cdc544a73850cceb5eab5f68

bunyaminn commented 8 years ago

The code is pretty clear and straight to the point. All structures used in constructs are well defined. No fancy, long and hard to understand variable names are used. Indentation pretty nicely done. Also, I didn't find any bug in this codeHowever there are little comments in the code. It uses Bootstrap UI framework which is the most popular responsive user interface framework used by developers. In the code, grid method is used because it is one of the main rules regarding human-computer interaction. Overall the code is clear and readable. I can easily understand and make modifications on the given commit.


danishjo commented 8 years ago

Thank you very much :+1:

bunyaminn commented 8 years ago

I think Nakip reopen this issue wrongly. It has been already completed.