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How to use Travis properly #169

Open eozd opened 6 years ago

eozd commented 6 years ago

We need to learn how to use Travis CI properly as it seems like there are quite a few configuration options, even the possibility to run tests for different parts of the project in parallel.

eozd commented 6 years ago

Currently, it seems like we have managed to inform Travis about multiple environments with different languages. Things to do:

  1. Find a way to test only one configuration depending on the changes.
    • Changes to backend should run tests for backend
    • Is there a possibility that changes to backend breaks tests for frontend/android?
  2. Speed up android builds; they take 5-6 minutes which is morbidly long. I have tried to cache android builds so that they don't take as long each time. Maybe it works, we should confirm this.

Add more items as you seem fit.

eozd commented 6 years ago

It might be possible to run only certain tests by getting diff info via git diff. For example, for frontend part of Travis configuration, we might add a conditional that checks if git diff origin/master frontend --quiet returns 0 and if so, terminate frontend part of the Travis script.

eozd commented 6 years ago

With #242, our travis builds are considerably faster for frontend and backend. Android builds are unfortunately still slow since it reinstalls all the SDKs all over again at each build; however, I don't think we can work around this for now.

eozd commented 6 years ago

We need to investigate how to solve Travis Android emulator problems. In particular, we need to solve

  1. Fix emulator sdcard issue. We can't test functionality that rely on external storage on emulators.
  2. Fix 'unable to find root view' issue. For some reason, espresso can't find the root view on emulators
SaitTalhaNisanci commented 6 years ago

@eozd Have the issues been fixed?